TEMPUS vital signs monitor with integrated telemedicine, use in remote medicine
Video by @DrRamonREYESMD
A vital signs monitor with integrated telemedicine that is designed for use in remote medical emergencies by non-medical experts.
The Tempus IC2 is a market leading vital signs monitor that boasts best-in-class functionality and unrivalled ease of use. Using a fast, secure and reliable connection, non-medical experts can gain rapid and discreet access to trusted medical support. Even in remote locations and whilst in transit, you can gather vital clinical information and images easily, then quickly securely transmit them to land-based medical expertise for immediate on-scene help.
Tempus IC2 is a fully integrated medical monitor and telemedicine system. When in remote and challenging locations and hours away from quality medical help, it enables a non-medical person to obtain and transmit a sick or injured person’s vital signs to trusted medical support for treatment advice and diagnostic support.
In business for over 20 years, we are recognised and trusted for our capabilities to deliver, support and advance our products, even in challenging markets;
Ongoing training, support and innovation are second nature to RDT;
We continuously innovate as new needs evolve and new needs arise, ensuring you always have the latest technology.
Parameters preferred by medical professionals, designed for anyone to use:
A Market leading medical monitor with integrated telemedicine and best-in-class functionality;
Designed to be simple and user-friendly for the intermittent, non-medical expert at both the user and medical support ends of the system;
The medical measurements provided were decided by a multidisciplinary panel of emergency and specialist clinicians;
Compact, lightweight and built to military grade robustness with ergonomic design to suit the environments in which it is used;
The next best thing to having a doctor by your side.
Tempus technology leads the way in real-time telemedicine:
Non-medically trained personnel can easily obtain and transmit a person’s vital signs during a medical emergency from remote locations;
Intuitive operation with easy navigation and detailed guidance at every step;
Fast, easy and secure connection to trusted professional medical help;
Within minutes, obtain a remote diagnostic impression, treatment support and advice, or a reassuring second opinion.
The Tempus IC2 is the market leading vital signs monitor for non-medical experts:
The Tempus IC2 transmits clinical grade vital signs that are routinely captured in the Emergency Room;
A completely integrated solution with everything you need to manage a medical emergency in one compact, lightweight case;
Simultaneous real-time two-way voice connection, with the ability to also share supporting images and video;
Get support with difficult decisions based on real clinical medical data;
Take the guesswork out of medical evacuation or diversion decisions.
Large, full colour touch screen display (6.5″/16.51cm);
The monitor can be set to an appropriate viewing angle with an integral foot and is daylight readable;
Supporting graphically labelled function keys;
Intuitive icons give one-button access to all the main features;
Rich, context-sensitive graphical step-by-step procedures, with guidance at every step that is easy to follow at your own pace;
A wireless headset enables hands-free operation whilst speaking with a medical expert;
Simple and intuitive operation means that end-users can quickly acquire and retain the knowledge and skills required for use.
Clear and logical graphical guidance is given for every procedure used to measure the vital signs on the device which are all securely transmitted in real-time to a medical expert;
Suntech non-invasive blood pressure (NIBP) with pre-attached adult cuff, neatly stored at the back of the device;
Additional colour-coded larger adult and child blood pressure cuffs stored in the carry bag, if required;
Masimo® SET® pulse oximetry (SpO₂) & pulse with pre-attached probe which is likely to be needed during every medical event;
Medtronic Microstream® Capnometry & disposable nasal cannula. An important parameter used in conjunction with others to help identify pulmonary conditions, respiratory distress and breathing disorders;
12-Lead ECG taken using a unique, latex-free harness with pre-positioned electrodes ensuring correct placement and fitted underneath clothing;
Handheld Bluetooth® enabled tympanic thermometer with hygienic probe covers and long-lasting battery;
Handheld wireless Glucometer with disposable gloves & test-strips stored in easy-to-access colour-coded compartments within the carry case.
The Tempus IC2 is powered from a single purpose-built lithium-ion battery;
The user-replaceable battery is specifically designed with a long run-time (>11 hours approximately) and a very low discharge rate to provide long shelf-life;
The battery will be ready for multiple uses even if it has not been charged for over 12 months, only discharging 25% of its capacity;
For operational efficiency, the carry case has a clear window in it so that the battery installed in the monitor can be checked without opening the bag or having to remove the monitor;
The monitor itself also has an external gas gauge built in, so the battery capacity can easily be checked without powering on;
The gas gauge also enables batteries stored separately from the device to be checked easily;
The wireless headset docks to the monitor for power which manages the battery on the headset, ensuring it is always fully charged and ready to use.
A connection can quickly be established with a medical response centre and direct contact made with a medical expert made using a wireless headset;
The headset connection process is reliable with automatic power on and power off functions and a reminder to replace it after use;
All medical data, images, video and other data can be securely transmitted in real-time directly from the Tempus IC2 using various communication links such as Wi-Fi, Ethernet, Serial, SATCOM and Cell Phone GSM;
All communications links are integrated with all necessary communications cables stored neatly at the rear of the device;
The medical response centre can annotate still images with text, colours and graphics and send them back to the remote user to give more detailed instructions;
The camera is built into the rear of the device allows video to be streamed in the background whilst the graphical interface is in use measuring vital signs;
Remote clinicians can monitor the patient visually in real-time whilst simultaneously reviewing the medical readings.
The Tempus IC2 is stored in a sophisticated bag, built to military and civilian EMS robustness standards;
All the other system components and their associated leads and consumables are also stored in the bag in clearly colour-coded compartments, with enough for up to five medical incidents;
The colour-coded locations map onto the graphical help screens for optimal efficiency during use, repacking and replenishment;
A clear window means that the battery can be checked without having to open the bag.
We have an impressive history of over 20 years in telemedicine and remote monitoring;
We have had commissioned our leading edge telemedicine solutions for every combination of aircraft and communications platform;
Vast experience in launching across a wide variety of large organisations, including commercial fleets;
Our products are developed around your needs, and those of your engineering and operations departments. https://www.rdtltd.com/products/tempus-ic2-telemedicine-monitor/key-features-of-tempus-ic2/

Tempus IC2 es un sistema médico completamente integrado del monitor y de la telemedicina. Cuando en ubicaciones y horas remotas y desafiadoras lejos de la ayuda médica de la calidad, permite a una persona no médica obtener y transmitir un enfermo o hirió las muestras vitales de la persona a la ayuda médica de confianza para el consejo del tratamiento y la ayuda de diagnóstico.
En el negocio por más de 20 años, nos reconocen y se confían en para que nuestras capacidades entreguen, apoyen y avancen nuestros productos, incluso en mercados estimulantes;
El entrenamiento, la ayuda y la innovación en curso son en segundo lugar naturaleza al RDT;
Innovamos continuamente como las nuevas necesidades se desarrollan y se presentan las nuevas necesidades, asegurándose que usted tenga siempre la última tecnología.
Aplicaciones: de emergencia
Otras características: Bluetooth
Tamaño de la pantalla: 16,5 cm (6,5 in)
Capacidad de integracion de Desfibrilador, 12 derivaciones de ECG, Videolaringoscopia, Video-otoscopia, Ecografia, Modo Tactico, Temperatura, Glucemia, etc.
Requirements to be Remote, International Medicine and Offshore Medicine. OIL Industry Basic Offshore Safety Induction Emergency Training (BOSIET) and FOET
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Republica Dominicana
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Requirements to be Remote, International Medicine and Offshore Medicine. OIL Industry Basic Offshore Safety Induction Emergency Training (BOSIET) and FOET
by STIER España
Recuerda que Stier Training Centre impartimos el curso BOSIET, tanto EBS como CA-EBS. Es un requisito indispensable para trabajar en plataformas offshore.
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En el BOSIET aprendemos de lucha contra incendios 🔥, supervivencia en mar 🌊, primeros auxilios🧑⚕️, emergencia en helicópteros 🚁e introducción a la seguridad en plataformas ⚓️.
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Remote Offshore and International Medicine
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Por favor compartir nuestras REDES SOCIALES @DrRamonReyesMD, así podremos llegar a mas personas y estos se beneficiarán de la disponibilidad de estos documentos, pdf, e-book, gratuitos y legales..
Cronología de incorporando de nuevas tecnologías en los monitores-desfibriladores desde los años 70
A lo largo de los años 70 se van incorporando
nuevas tecnológicas en los desfibriladores, como;
1. el monitor de ECG (1972)
2. La impresión del EC(1974)
3. La colocación de electrodos de 12 derivaciones (1979)
4. Adición del marcapasos externo (1985)
5. La incorporación de ordenes verbales (1989).
Gracias a todos el Canal somos mas de 1000 participantes en WhatsApp. Recordar este es un canal y sirve de enlace para entrar a los tres grupos; TACMED, TRAUMA y Científico. ahí es que se puede interactuar y publicar. Si le molestan las notificaciones, solo tiene que silenciarlas y así se beneficia de la informacion y la puede revisar cuando usted así lo disponga sin el molestoso sonido de dichas actualizaciones, Gracias a todos Dr. Ramon Reyes, MD Enlace al
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