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Porsche Cayenne Emergency Response Vehicle |
Porsche trainees build emergency vehicle
Cayenne also brings rescuers to difficult terrain
Stuttgart. One of the fastest emergency vehicles, fully suited for rough terrain as well, has been developed in Zuffenhausen. With laborious hand work, 15 trainees of Dr. Ing. h.c. F. Porsche AG, Stuttgart have converted the sport utility vehicle Cayenne S into a very modern deployment vehicle for rescue workers. The prototype will be employed by Health and Safety Services.
The interior of the original production vehicle from the first Cayenne generation was completely modified. The rear seat and passenger seat had to give way to an aluminum frame construction, onto which the stretcher can be slid through the tailgate of the vehicle. A seat for the emergency doctor was set up adjacent to the stretcher. The modified Cayenne S provides the doctor with highly modern medical equipment for administering first aid to the patient. Among other equipment, an EKG with a defibrillator – an electroshock device for treating patients with ventricular fibrillation –, an electrical suction pump, an emergency backpack and various rescue tools are included.
The maneuverable vehicle considerably improves the chances for rescue in difficult terrain. Thanks to a permanent all-wheel drive with reduction gears and a locking central differential, a versatile off-road chassis and high ground clearance, the vehicle also reaches remote locations off the beaten track and can handle slopes of up to 45 degrees. A further advantage is its air suspension including the Porsche Active Suspension Management (PASM) adaptive dampening system - this permits especially careful transport of patients.
The idea for the concept of the Cayenne emergency vehicle came from Porsche Health Management. The industrial physicians have given the trainees the task of building four emergency vehicles, which are destined for the Porsche plants in Stuttgart-Zuffenhausen and Weissach in Baden-Württemberg as well as the Leipzig plant. The Cayenne will also be stationed at the Porsche test track in Weissach.
Porsche trainees have since gained extensive experience in equipping special vehicles. Six Cayennes have already been prepared with different equipment for use in fire fighting, plant security and Health and Safety Services. "Every vehicle is unique with very special solutions. These special projects permit cross-divisional teamwork with the experience of mechanical designers, electronic specialists, vehicle mechatronic specialists, vehicle equipment assemblers and painters. The challenging task which requires the greatest handworking skills and precise work, motivates the young men and women," Porsche Head of Training Dieter Esser said. The special attraction is the production of a product which is extremely useful instead of practical experience in purely didactical way.
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Porsche Cayenne Emergency Response Vehicle |
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Porsche builds Cayenne S ambulance for its own emergency personnel
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Porsche builds Cayenne S ambulance for its own emergency personnel |
Link for more information
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