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Nota Importante

Aunque pueda contener afirmaciones, datos o apuntes procedentes de instituciones o profesionales sanitarios, la información contenida en el blog EMS Solutions International está editada y elaborada por profesionales de la salud. Recomendamos al lector que cualquier duda relacionada con la salud sea consultada con un profesional del ámbito sanitario. by Dr. Ramon REYES, MD

Niveles de Alerta Antiterrorista en España. Nivel Actual 4 de 5.

Niveles de Alerta Antiterrorista en España. Nivel Actual 4 de 5.
Fuente Ministerio de Interior de España

sábado, 6 de octubre de 2018

Infrascanner 2000 for intracranial bleeding / El Infrascanner 2000 es un dispositivo portátil que utiliza el Infrarrojo Cercano (NIR) para detectar la hemorragia cerebral

Infrascanner 2000 for  intracranial bleeding

The Infrascanner Model 2000 is a portable screening device that uses Near-Infrared (NIR) technology to screen patients for intracranial bleeding, identifying those who would most benefit from immediate referral to a CT scan and neurosurgical intervention. In the triage of head trauma patients, the Infrascanner can identify patients most likely to have intracranial bleeding.
The Infrascanner Model 2000 unit is a small, portable handheld device, which includes a Sensor and a Cradle. The Sensor includes an eye safe NIR diode laser and an optical detector. The light to and from the laser and detector are optically coupled to the patient’s head through two disposable light guides. The detector signal is digitized and analyzed by a single board computer (SBC) in the Sensor. The SBC receives the data from the detector and automatically adjusts the settings to ensure good data quality. The data is further processed by the SBC and the results are displayed on the screen.
The Sensor is turned on by placing a disposable shield on the Sensor and turned off by removing the disposable shield. The Sensor can be powered either by a rechargeable NiMH battery pack or by 4 disposable AA batteries. The Cradle is used to charge the rechargeable battery pack, if it is used in the Sensor, and to copy the data from the Sensor into a Personal Computer.
The Infrascanner Model 2000 was developed based on Infrascanner Model 1000, following the specifications of the US Marine Corps. The key changes included:
  • Integration of the processing, display and control functions of the separate PDA into the sensor.
  • Ruggedization of the system for improved durability.
  • Addition of the ability to use regular AA batteries in addition to a rechargeable battery pack.

INFRASCAN, una compañía de dispositivos médicos que se especializa en productos de diagnóstico de lesiones cerebrales, ha anunciado hoy que ha obtenido la aprobación de la  FDA (Food and Drug Administration) para comercializar el Infrascanner 2000, el primer dispositivo portátil no invasivo capaz de detectar hematomas cerebrales.
Los hematomas intracraneales son acumulaciones de sangre dentro del cerebro o entre el cerebro y el cráneo. Generalmente se pueden detectarse con una tomografíacomputadorizada (TC) o con una resonancia magnética (RM). La mayoría de los hematomas son de desarrollo rápido y producen síntomas en minutos u horas. Los hematomas crónicos son más frecuentes en las personas de edad avanzada, son de progresión lenta y producen síntomas solamente al cabo de horas o días.
El Infrascanner 2000 es un dispositivo portátil que utiliza el Infrarrojo Cercano (NIR) para detectar la hemorragia cerebral. Por medio de sondas detectoras inalámbricas registra la absorbancia de luz en longitudes de onda seleccionadas. Con base en la tomografía óptica difusa, el dispositivo permite la conversión de los datos diferenciales de luz en el NIR, en resultados de interpretación, ya que la mayor concentración local de hemoglobina en los hematomas produce una mayor absorción de luz en el NIR, por lo que analizando las diferentes regiones en el cráneo, los médicos pueden determinar rápidamente si se necesita un seguimiento de TC o RM, ahorrando tiempo valioso.
“Acortar el tiempo de tratamiento a través de la detección eficaz de la hemorragia intracraneal puede significar preservar la función cerebral en un paciente e incluso salvar vidas,” dijo Baruch Ben Dor, Presidente y CEO de InfraScan.
El escaneado de un paciente con el dispositivo de toma alrededor de 2-3 minutos. Es capaz de detectar hematomas mayores que 3,5 cc en volumen y de hasta 2,5 cm de profundidad desde la superficie del cerebro o 3,5 cm de la superficie de la piel. En los ensayos clínicos su la sensibilidad alcanzó el 88% y su especificidad el 90,7% por lo que es una herramienta bastante fiable para triage y priorización, pero no un sustituto de la CT.
Los usos potenciales incluyen la detección de los pacientes intoxicados en quien evaluación neurológica no es fiable o imposible, la monitorización frecuente de los pacientes en el hospital con lesiones en la cabeza, después de los procedimientos neuroquirúrgicos, y el seguimiento de los cambios en la ya hematomas intracraneales presentes entre la TC. Además de que puede ser útil para los atletas y soldados en el campo de batalla.

Improved Traction Device tm ITD. Video

Improved Traction Device tm ITD. Video

Introcan Safety® 3 Closed IV Catheter

B. Braun Introcan Safety® IV Catheter

Introcan Safety® 3 Closed IV Catheter

The safe choice from start to finish

The passive safety needle shield deploys automatically and cannot be bypassed, aiding in the prevention of needlestick injuries. The multiple access blood control septum aids in the prevention of blood exposure each time the catheter hub is accessed. The integrated
stabilization platform improves catheter stability and minimizes movement within the vessel, reducing the number of catheter  
B. Braun Introcan Safety® IV Catheter


The Introcan Safety® 3 Closed IV Catheter offers:- Passive Safety Needle Shield: Aids in prevention of needlestick injuries
- Multiple-Access Blood Control Septum: Aids in prevention of blood exposure
- Integrated Stabilization Platform: Designed to improve catheter stability and minimize movement within the vessel
- Enhanced Hub Design with Smooth Ergonomic Surface: Designed for greater patient comfort, easier connections and less touch contamination

 Although safety devices were introduced over a decade ago, preventing needlestick injuries continues to be a major concern. With the B. Braun Introcan Safety® IV Catheter, you are protected by a truly passive safety device that is activated automatically and cannot be by-passed.
No extra time-consuming steps are required to ensure healthcare worker and patient safety. The Universal Bevel needle allows a wider choice of insertion angles which makes insertions more comfortable for patients. With this easy-to-use safety IV catheter and its Double Flashback Technology, you can be confident of successful needle and catheter placement every time. And, with half the plastic content of other safety IV catheters, you can significantly reduce storage space and medical waste.
Raise your facility's standard of care and choose the environmentally-friendly B. Braun Introcan Safety® IV Catheter to:

The Rescuer Emergency CPAP System

The Rescuer Emergency CPAP System
The Rescuer Emergency CPAP System was designed to offer the maximal respiratory support to patients requiring positive pressure therapy. The newest device available to EMS services, this device offers easy to apply pressure adjustment, separate inspiratory and expiratory filters and a medication port, while having the lowest oxygen consumption of any comparable device. Available in two mask styles, this affordable CPAP system offers more features than any similar disposable CPAP device.

The Rescuer Emergency CPAP System developed by BLS Systems is a state of the art non-invasive ventilator support system. Controlled airway pressure provides rapid relief for maximum patient benefit with minimal oxygen consumption.
Key Benefits
  • Low cost and completely disposable
  • Highly efficient for longer cylinder life - runs from 5 Lpm
  • Maximum Protection - provides filtration on inhalation AND exhalation
  • Allows medication delivery
  • Simple operation - adjustable PEEP
Key Features
  • Adjustable PEEP Valve
  • Medication Port
  • Anti-Suffocation Valve
  • Inhalation and Exhalation Filters (3M HEPA)
  • High Quality CPAP Mask with Adjustable Forehead Pads (8700, 8705)
  • 360° Swivel Elbow

Link more information pdf

martes, 2 de octubre de 2018




Date: Tuesday, October 2, 2018
Few can argue that the recent trends in opioid abuse, addiction and overdoses are not troubling. The use of both prescription and illegally manufactured opioids has seen a drastic increase in the number of EMS calls, emergency department visits, hospitalizations, and mortality nationwide. Clearly the United States is in the midst of an opioid crisis, with deaths from opioid overdose more than quadrupling from 8,050 in 1999 to 33,091 in 2015.
Efforts to curb the epidemic are occurring on several fronts—from emergency physicians to community resources to federal policy initiatives. But the most striking examples of the epidemic are witnessed on the front lines, where EMS crews and rapid-response teams in the street are responding to overdose calls, and community paramedicine programs are connecting addicts with the help they need before it’s too late.

This special e-book brought to you by EMS World and 24-7 EMS profiles successful EMS-directed initiatives making a real difference in our communities.


miércoles, 26 de septiembre de 2018

Hospital Traumatológico Dr. Ney Arias Lora en franco deterioro por culpa de su Director Dr. Amaury Garcia, a parte de destruir la plantilla de medicos especialistas, también se ha cargado los equipos

 Esta es la realidad del Hospital by Dr. Ramon REYES, MD

 #HospitalTraumatologicoDrNeyArias #RepublicaDominicana #Cama #Paciente #CorrupcionenSalud @eeiispain @DrtoleteMD #ChamaTacticoMD

Dr. Amaury Garcia Director del Hospital Traumatologico Dr. Ney Arias Lora en muy poco tiempo ha destruido la plantilla de profesionales, ha destruido equipos por falta de mantenimiento, ambiente hostil y persecución del personal, se ha perdido el sentido de responsabilidad social del hospital y no se ve al paciente como el objetivo del Hospital, así Republica Dominicana, no podrá resolver el problema de mortalidad en trauma, con perdida de convenios y apoyo internacional, dado el bajo nivel de responsabilidad del director con el seguimiento de convenios de formación y que se tenían y se han perdido, hoy no ha desaparecido de la prensa nacional procedimientos quirúrgicos históricos y el manejo de pacientes relevantes y publicos, estos no confían en el Ney Arias. 

Larga lista de Cancelados, Renuncias y Desviculados por el MEGALOMANO Dr. Amaurys Garcia,,, todo un TEAM destructor, ha destruido todo un Sistema de Trauma, todo un equipo único en la Region en materia de Trauma... Republica Dominicana Hospital Traumatologico Dr. Ney Arias Lora de ser un modelo en la Region a convertirlo en una ruina desde el punto de vista físico y humano. 

domingo, 23 de septiembre de 2018

Fraude con Medicamento peligroso en España disfrazado de producto natural: Retirado un complemento 'natural' que contenía el principio de la viagra Se trata Natur Cap, un producto que no había sido evaluado ni autorizado por la Aemps by redacción medica

Fraude con Medicamento peligroso en España disfrazado de producto natural:  Retirado un complemento 'natural' que contenía el principio de la viagra Se trata Natur Cap, un producto que no había sido evaluado ni autorizado por la Aemps by redacción medica

Se trata Natur Cap, un producto que no había sido evaluado ni autorizado por la Aemps by redacción medica 
Viernes, 21 de septiembre de 2018, a las 14:25

La Agencia Española de Medicamentos y Productos Sanitarios (Aemps) ha retirado del mercado todos los lotes de Natur Cap Cápsulas, un producto que, tal como informa la propia agencia, se comercializa como complemento alimenticio pese a no haber sido notificada su puesta en el mercado a las autoridades competentes, incumpliendo lo previsto en la normativa vigente para este tipo de productos.

"El tadalafilo y el sildenafilo están contraindicados en múltiples enfermedades"

Según los análisis llevados a cabo por el Laboratorio Oficial de Control de la Aemps, el mencionado producto contiene las sustancias activas tadalafilo y sildenafilo, no declaradas en su etiquetado, que indica solo como componentes una serie de productos de origen vegetal. La inclusión de los principios activos tadalafilo y sildenafilo en cantidad suficiente para restaurar, corregir o modificar una función fisiológica ejerciendo una acción farmacológica, confiere a este producto la condición de medicamento según lo establecido en el artículo 2.a. del texto refundido de la Ley de garantías y uso racional de los medicamentos y productos sanitarios aprobado por el Real Decreto Legislativo 1/2015, de 24 julio.

El tadalafilo y el sildenafilo están indicados para restaurar la función eréctil deteriorada mediante el aumento del flujo sanguíneo del pene por inhibición selectiva de la fosfodiesterasa 5 (PDE5). Los inhibidores de la PDE-5 están contraindicados en pacientes con infarto agudo de miocardio, angina inestable, angina de esfuerzo, insuficiencia cardiaca, arritmias incontroladas, hipotensión (tensión arterial < 90/50 mmHg), hipertensión arterial no controlada, historia de accidente isquémico cerebral (ictus isquémico), en pacientes con insuficiencia hepática grave y en personas con antecedentes de neuropatía óptica isquémica anterior no arterítica o con trastornos hereditarios degenerativos de la retina tales como retinitis pigmentosa (una minoría de estos pacientes tienen trastornos genéticos de las fosfodiesterasas de la retina).

Interacciones del tadalafilo y el sildenafilo con otros medicamentos

Según la Aemps, este medicamento también presenta numerosas interacciones con otros medicamentos, pudiendo además aparecer reacciones adversas de diversa gravedad a tener en consideración, como las cardiovasculares, ya que su consumo se ha asociado a infarto agudo de miocardio, angina inestable, arritmia ventricular, palpitaciones, taquicardias, accidente cerebro vascular, incluso muerte súbita cardiaca, que se han presentado en mayor medida en pacientes con antecedentes de factores de riesgo cardiovascular. Considerando estos riesgos y que el producto ha sido objeto de evaluación y autorización, la Aemps ha declarado ilegal su presencia en el mercado siendo su presencia en el mercado. 
La sanidad, uno de los sectores que menos crecerá en empleo Los aspirantes MIR denuncian "eternas colas" para entregar la documentación 

Sanidad retira el complemento alimenticio 'Natur Cap Cápsulas' por no declarar que contiene tadalafilo y sildenafilo

MADRID, 21 Sep. (EUROPA PRESS) - La Agencia Española de Medicamentos y Productos Sanitarios (AEMPS), dependiente del Ministerio de Sanidad, ha retirado del mercado el complemento alimenticio 'Natur Cap Cápsulas', comercializado por la empresa Natual And Different, por contener tadalafilo y sildenafilo y no estar declarado en el etiquetado, en el cual sólo se indican componentes de productos de origen vegetal. La AEMPS ha tenido conocimiento de este hecho por el departamento de Salud ...

lunes, 10 de septiembre de 2018


Formacion en RCP (Enseñar y concienciar poblacion)  
Reconocimiento Precoz y Pedir Ayuda (Para Prevenir la Parada Cardiaca) 
RCP Precoz (Para ganar Tiempo) 
Desfibrilacion Precoz (Para Reiniciar el Corazon) 
Cuidados Post Resucitacion (Para Restaurar la Calidad de Vida) 
Rehabilitacion y Vigilancia (Para Prevenir nuevos Sucesos)

viernes, 7 de septiembre de 2018

Prometheus PIN® rapid intraosseous (IO) by prometheusmed

Prometheus PIN® rapid intraosseous (IO) by prometheusmed


Prometheus PIN® rapid intraosseous (IO) by prometheusmed

Prometheus PIN® rapid intraosseous (IO) by prometheusmed

The Prometheus PIN® provides rapid intraosseous (IO) access when gaining intravenous access is challenging or impossible. The Prometheus PIN® can be used in emergency medical or trauma cases and can remain in-situ for up to 24 hours.
The Prometheus PIN® has been developed by leading clinicians who understand the need for a high quality, reliable IO device, delivered at an affordable price. The Prometheus PIN® has been designed to be used rapidly, intuitively and effectively.
The Prometheus PIN® can be used for IO access in the humeral head and distal and proximal tibia regions when IV access is difficult or impossible. The Prometheus PIN® incorporates a 15-Gauge trocar and cannula system, the pharmacokinetics and flow properties of which are already well known and scientifically proven.
The single needle solution of the Prometheus PIN® enables it to be used for almost any patient. Furthermore, this reduces cost and complexity, which can be generated when there is a requirement to purchase and use multiple needle sizes.
The simplicity of the Prometheus PIN® makes it a truly useful tool for the emergency care practitioner and the incorporation of a stabilisation device provides additional safety in emergency situations.

Key Features

  • Rapid and easy IO insertion
  • Single needle solution – one size for all, including paediatrics
  • 15-Gauge needle – pharmacokinetics of which are well established
  • Stabilisation accessory supplied
  • Single-use product – no driver cleaning required between uses
  • No power or battery required for insertion
  • Lightweight and robust
  • Indicated for access to six IO sites
  • Latex-free and non-pyrogenic

jueves, 30 de agosto de 2018

New Assault Force 70.4™ Fire-Rescue Rough Terrain Vehicles (FRRTV)

E.J. Metals Introduces New Assault Force 70.4™ Fire-Rescue Rough Terrain Vehicles (FRRTV) with Patient Transport Capability and Four-Person Seating

E.J. Metals has developed the next generation of FRRTV, the Assault Force 70.4, to provide fire/rescue and patient transport response in places where a traditional fire apparatus or ambulance can't go

E.J. Metals Inc., a Wisconsin-based manufacturer of wildland fire trucks and high pressure firefighting systems, has introduced the newest, largest model in its line of high-pressure-foam-equipped Fire-Rescue Rough Terrain Vehicles. Called the Assault Force 70.4™, this innovative FRRTV provides the high pressure fighting capability of the original Assault Force 70, with safe, secure patient transport and seating for four.
"This next generation Assault Force 70.4 provides a combination of firefighting power and patient transport you simply won't find in another rough terrain vehicle. Our customers loved the original Assault Force 70, but some are looking for an even larger rough terrain vehicle, with patient transport. This model is a great choice for fire departments that need to provide fire/rescue and patient transport response in places you simply can't take a traditional fire apparatus or ambulance. It's ideally suited for brush/wildland fire response, and also perfect for fire/rescue and EMS response situations in pedestrian zones, stadiums and sports complexes, school and college campuses, large-scale events, industrial plants, and parking garages," said Kevin Quinn, E.J. Metals' president and developer of the Assault Force line.
Patient Transport Capability Anywhere You Need It
The Assault Force 70.4 provides for fast and efficient patient transport and is especially useful when a patient needs to be transported out of a remote area, over rough terrain or in any other limited access area that a full-size ambulance cannot reach. It is equipped with a rear access Stokes basket compartment which is 27" W x 10.75" H x 27" L, capable of storing a tubular frame collapsible Stokes basket, which is standard. The top of this compartment also provides a portion of the base for carrying the Stokes when transporting a patient. The design provides excellent patient access for the EMT/paramedic during transport. In addition, the optional cab enclosure and rear-area enclosure allow the Assault Force 70.4 to be heated or cooled for climate-controlled patient transport.
The Assault Force 70.4 FRRTV features a 70-gallon water tank, a 5-gallon Class A foam cell, a high pressure fire pump and the patented EJM TRIPLEX® triple-discharge, high pressure nozzle that allows firefighters to attack brush/wildland and other fires with a variety of water/foam streams. The hydraulically driven, high pressure system provides six gallons-per-minute (gpm) of water/foam discharge at 1500 psi, delivering approximately 12 minutes of discharge time. The Assault Force 70 and 70.4 models are the only FRRTVs to provide a hydraulic tool circuit and a unique intensifier that provide power for hydraulic rescue tools and other tools such as submersible pumps and chain saws. In addition, the Assault Force 70 / 70.4 are the only FRRTVs equipped with a diesel-engine-driven system.
FRRTVs from E.J. Metals are in use by fire departments throughout the U.S., and have been deployed with the U.S. Army in Afghanistan.
The Assault Force 70.4 is built on a four-wheel-drive Kubota RTV1140CPX model. A true commercial-grade RTV, the RTV11490CPX is designed specifically for heavy-duty non-recreational use. It provides the power and durability that the fire service demands, and features an integrated power train including diesel engine, hydrostatic transmission, independent suspension and four-wheel disc brakes.
The drive system includes power steering and hydrostatic all-wheel drive with built-in braking assist to slow with application of brakes, particularly valuable on downhill grades. It is powered by a 24.8-horsepower Kubota diesel engine and has a top speed of 25 mph. A front bumper guard and hydraulic bed lift are standard.
The Kubota RTV1140CPX is equipped with a rollover-protection system (ROPS) that is both SAE-specification and OSHA-compliant. Like the smaller Assault Force 70, the Assault Force 70.4 has been tilt-table tested to verify its stability and offers a 24-degree side-slope capability.
About Kubota Tractor Corporation
The Kubota RTV1140CPX's manufacturer, Kubota Tractor Corporation of Torrance, Calif., is the U.S. marketer and distributor of Kubota-branded equipment, including a complete line of tractors up to 118 PTO hp, performance-matched implements, compact and utility-class construction equipment, consumer lawn and garden equipment, commercial turf products and utility vehicles. More RTV900 information can be viewed at Kubota.
About E.J. Metals Inc.
E.J. Metals Inc. is a designer and custom manufacturer of wildland, all-terrain and specialty fire trucks and High Pressure Firefighting Systems. Their product line includes wildland fire trucks, brush trucks, quick attack trucks, rescues, fire-rescue rough terrain vehicles (FRRTVs), RIVs, compressed air foam systems (CAFS), and stand-alone High Pressure Firefighting skid units from 1500 PSI to 3000 PSI. EJ Metals also provides refurbishment services and builds custom dump chutes for fire tankers. The company is headquartered in Hortonville, Wis.
For more information, visit EJ Metals or contact Kevin Quinn at  920.779.9913.