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Niveles de Alerta Antiterrorista en España. Nivel Actual 4 de 5.
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jueves, 30 de mayo de 2024

Will Chapleau EMT-P, RN, TNS Director of Performance Improvement. American College of Surgeons

Will Chapleau EMT-P, RN, TNS Director of Performance Improvement. American College of Surgeons

Will Chapleau has been a Paramedic for 41 years and trauma nurse specialist for 28 years. For the last five years he has served as the Director of Performance Improvement at the American College of Surgeons after spending 6 years managing Trauma training programs for the Committee on Trauma there. He also spent 20 years with the Chicago Heights Fire Department, the last 6 years as Chief. He also spent 15 years as an educator in the Good Samaritan Hospital EMS System in Downers Grove, Ill., and at St. James Hospital and Prairie State College in Chicago Heights. 

Chapleau served as the Chair of the PHTLS Committee of NAEMT for nearly 20 years. He also served on the NAEMT Board of Directors, as well as on the boards for the National Association of EMS Educators and the Society of Trauma Nurses. He also chaired a task force for the National Association of EMS Physicians. He’s been a frequent contributor to the Journal of Emergency Medical Services (JEMS), EMS World Magazine and Fire Apparatus Magazine. He has also been published in the Journal of Trauma and Critical Care and the Journal of Emergency Medicine. He also served on the editorial board of EMS World Magazine. Will has written and edited five pre-hospital care texts in four languages and has taught prehospital care and lectured in conferences in over 60 countries.

Will Chapleau EMT-P, RN, TNS
Director of Performance Improvement
American College of Surgeons


Will Chapleau

Will Chapleau has been chairman of the PreHospital Trauma Life Support (PHTLS) Committee since 1996, and has served as national faculty since 1984. He has been a Paramedic for 38 years and trauma nurse specialist for 25 years. He currently serves as the Director of Performance Improvement at the American College of Surgeons after spending 6 years managing Trauma training programs for the Committee on Trauma there. He also spent 20 years with the Chicago Heights Fire Department, the last 6 years as Chief. He also spent 15 years as an educator in the Good Samaritan Hospital EMS System in Downers Grove, Ill., and at St. James Hospital and Prairie State College in Chicago Heights.

Chapleau has served on the NAEMT Board of Directors, as well as on the boards for the National Association of EMS Educators and the Society of Trauma Nurses. He’s been a frequent contributor to the Journal of Emergency Medical Services (JEMS) and Fire Apparatus. He is also on the editorial board of EMS World Magazine. Will has written and edited five pre-hospital care texts and has taught prehospital care and lectured in conferences in over 50 countries. 

Will Chapleau EMT-P, RN, TNS
Director of Performance Improvement
American College of Surgeons

Will Chapleau EMT-P, RN, TNS
Director of Performance Improvement
American College of Surgeons

Will Chapleau, who has managed the College’s Advanced Trauma Life Support®(ATLS®) program for six years, assumed the newly created position of Director of Performance Improvement (PI), although he will continue to oversee the ATLS program until his replacement is hired. In his new post, Mr. Chapleau will lead the transition from a GE-led PI initiative at the College to an internal program. He brings to the position a unique background as a licensed nurse with experience in emergency and critical care and 36 years as a licensed paramedic, including his work as chief of the Chicago Heights, IL, Fire Department, and its director of emergency medical services (EMS) and the Emergency Management Agency.
Mr. Chapleau has lectured on EMS and trauma topics in more than 40 countries and has been an EMS educator for 28 years. He has written four published EMS textbooks as well as numerous journal articles. Mr. Chapleau serves as chair of Prehospital Trauma Life Support and has participated with boards of the National Association of Emergency Medical Technicians, the National Association of EMS Educators, and the Society of Trauma Nurses. Since 2000, he has worked as an instructor and as a member of the executive council of Advanced Trauma Care Nursing. He earned an associate degree in fire science administration from Prairie State College in Chicago Heights as well as an associate degree in nursing from Western Illinois University, Macomb.


Oct 31, 2012

NAEMT is pleased to announce that Will Chapleau, EMT-P, RN, TNS is the 2012 recipient of the prestigious Rocco V. Morando Lifetime Achievement Award. This award is generously sponsored by the National Registry of Emergency Medical Technicians (NREMT) and was presented last night to Chapleau at the NAEMT General Membership Meeting.

Will Chapleau has been leading the cause for quality EMS education nationwide and across the globe for many years. He has served as Chair of NAEMT's Prehospital Trauma Life Support (PHTLS) Committee for the past 16 years, taking the program to new heights in using evidence-based, critical thinking to treat multi-system trauma. Because of his work, PHTLS is now offered to EMS practitioners in more than 55 countries.

Chapleau is Director of Performance Improvement and the Advanced Trauma Life Support (ATLS) Program Manager for the American College of Surgeons, Chicago. He has been a paramedic for 36 years and a trauma nurse specialist for 23 years. He has worked in the field as a firefighter paramedic and finished his 20-year fire department career as Chief of the Chicago Heights Fire department. Chapleau also has worked in emergency and critical care nursing.

An EMS educator for 28 years, Chapleau has published four EMS textbooks and contributed to numerous other texts, including ATLS, PHTLS and ATCN. He also has written frequently for EMS and trauma journals and has lectured on EMS and trauma topics in more than 50 countries.

In addition, he has served on the Board of Directors of NAEMT, the National Association of EMS Educators, and the Society of Trauma Nurses, and currently serves on the Board of Marian Catholic High School in Chicago Heights, Illinois.

The Rocco V. Morando Lifetime Achievement Award is NAEMT's most prestigious award, and is named after one of the founding members of NAEMT.

Books by Will Chapleau

The PARAMEDIC By Will Chapleau

Ever since the first EMT book was written, there have been two philosophies chosen by the authors for the reader: One type is to provide for the minimal required information and to meet only the minimum standards required by the profession. At the other end of the spectrum is the philosophy that is written to be all-inclusive. This will give the student reader (and ultimately patient care provider) the strongest knowledge possible. If you or your family were to become sick or injured in the middle of the night, in the blowing snow or in the cold rain, do you want the EMT taking care of you to be the very best they possibly could be or simply one who has taken the course to “get by”? This book is not a “get by” book. This book is not written by “get by” authors. This book is not edited by “get by” editors. Just open this book and look at the four editors—four better people in the United States to write such a book could not have been chosen. 

Norman E. McSwain, Jr., MD, FACS, NREMT-P Professor of Surgery Tulane University 

RAPID First Responder Will Chapleau
Perfect for the classroom or the field, this handy pocket guide is full of essential information in a convenient, quick-access format. Plenty of quick-reference tables, CPR and AED information, airway management and breathing skills, and much more make Rapid: First Responder, Second Edition an excellent companion for everyday use.
Features & Benefits
  • Essential information in a convenient, quick access format is perfect for the classroom or field.
  • Fluid-resistant and pocket-sized format makes this reference durable enough for rugged clinical use.
  • At-a-glance tables, charts, and algorithms highlight important content.
  • 24 step-by-step skills with NEW photos clarify important skills.
  • NEW! Trauma, Pediatric, and Environmental sections allow for quick access.

With real-world case scenarios, tips for working with other members of the emergency response team, and much more, Emergency First Responder: Making the Difference offers essential coverage of the information you need for success in the field. This one-of-a-kind text is designed for the 40- to 60-hour course length and covers both the objectives in the National Standard Curriculum (NSC) for the First Responder and the new National Education Standards.

PHTLS PreHospital Trauma Life Support
Will Chapleau Associate Editor and Contributor
Each new print copy of PHTLS: Prehospital Trauma Life Support, Eighth Edition also includes an access code that unlocks a complete eBook and skills videos.
PHTLS: Prehospital Trauma Life Support, Eighth Edition is the next step in the evolution of the premier global prehospital trauma education program. For three decades, PHTLS has improved the quality of trauma patient care and has saved lives. The Eighth Edition of PHTLS continues the PHTLS mission to promote excellence in trauma patient management by all providers involved in the delivery of prehospital care through global education.
This legendary program was first developed by the National Association of Emergency Medical Technicians (NAEMT) in the early 1980s in cooperation with the American College of Surgeons Committee on Trauma (ACS-COT). Its medical content is continuously revised and updated to reflect current, state-of-the-art knowledge and practice. PHTLS promotes critical thinking as the foundation for providing quality care. It is based on the belief that EMS practitioners make the best decisions on behalf of their patients when given a good foundation of knowledge and key principles. The Eighth Edition of PHTLS features a new chapter, Physiology of Life and Death. This chapter creates a solid understanding of the physiology of life and pathophysiology that can lead to death. This understanding is essential for the prehospital care provider if abnormalities are to be found and addressed quickly in the trauma patient.
Clear Approach to Assessing a Trauma Patient
In the field, seconds count. PHTLS teaches and reinforces the principles of rapidly assessing a trauma patient using an orderly approach, immediately treating life-threatening problems as they are identified, and minimizing any delays in initiating transport to an appropriate destination.
Dynamic Technology Solutions
World-class content joins instructionally sound design in a user-friendly online interface to give instructors and students a truly interactive and engaging learning experience with:
•    eBook
•    Video Demonstrations of Critical Skills
•    Interactive Lectures

Técnico en emergencias sanitarias (DVD + evolve) :Marcando la diferencia Will Chapleau

  • Esta obra, de contenidos exhaustivos pero de uso sencillo, es una guía completa para el aprendizaje de las habilidades esenciales que permitirán al lector convertirse en un técnico médico de urgencias (TMU) de primera línea.

  • Cumple todos los requisitos del U.S. Department of Transportation National Standard (NSC) para los técnicos de emergencias médicas básicos.

  • El lector podrá visualizar más de 40 demostraciones de habilidades reales y animaciones médicas en el DVD acompañante. En los detallados 'Escenarios de casos' se lleva a cabo un seguimiento de la actividad de los TMU a lo largo del libro.

  • Asimismo, cuenta con evolve. A esto hay que añadirle las animaciones médicas sobre anatomía, fisiología y procesos fisiopatológicos.


  • Esta obra, de contenidos exhaustivos pero de uso sencillo, es una guía completa para el aprendizaje de las habilidades esenciales que permitirán al lector convertirse en un técnico médico de urgencias (TMU) de primera línea.

  • Cumple todos los requisitos del U.S. Department of Transportation National Standard (NSC) para los técnicos de emergencias médicas básicos.

  • Los epígrafes 'Propósitos de la lección' y 'Objetivos' pretenden ayudar al estudiantes a identificar los contenidos clave. En el interior de los capítulos, los recuadros 'Preguntas a uno mismo', 'Consideraciones especiales' y 'Poblaciones especiales' pueden ayudar al técnico a familiarizarse con las diversas situaciones con las que se encontrará en la vida profesional real.

  • Cada capítulo finaliza con una revisión del mismo bajo el epígrafe 'Aspectos prácticos'. En esta sección se incluyen los puntos críticos, una lista de aprendizaje, los términos clave y los objetivos. Además, permite descubrir paso a paso las habilidades necesarias a través de instrucciones detalladas y de fotografías explícitas. El lector podrá visualizar más de 40 demostraciones de habilidades reales y animaciones médicas en el DVD acompañante. En los detallados 'Escenarios de casos' se lleva a cabo un seguimiento de la actividad de los TMU a lo largo del libro.

  • Asimismo, cuenta con evolve. A esto hay que añadirle las animaciones médicas sobre anatomía, fisiología y procesos fisiopatológicos.


By Will Chapleau, EMT-P, RN, TNS, Fire Chief, Chicago Heights Fire Department, Chicago Heights, IL

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