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Aunque pueda contener afirmaciones, datos o apuntes procedentes de instituciones o profesionales sanitarios, la información contenida en el blog EMS Solutions International está editada y elaborada por profesionales de la salud. Recomendamos al lector que cualquier duda relacionada con la salud sea consultada con un profesional del ámbito sanitario. by Dr. Ramon REYES, MD

Niveles de Alerta Antiterrorista en España. Nivel Actual 4 de 5.

Niveles de Alerta Antiterrorista en España. Nivel Actual 4 de 5.
Fuente Ministerio de Interior de España
Mostrando entradas con la etiqueta surgery. Mostrar todas las entradas
Mostrando entradas con la etiqueta surgery. Mostrar todas las entradas

miércoles, 22 de noviembre de 2023

Médicos chinos "cultivan" una nariz sobre el propio paciente

Médicos chinos "cultivan" una nariz sobre el propio paciente

Pronto Xiaolian, este hombre de origen chino, tendrá una nueva nariz. La misma que está creciendo sobre su cabeza. Xiaolian sufrió hace unos meses un accidente de tránsito. Durante el mismo, resultó herido y se fracturó la nariz. El joven descuidó el traumatismo que sufrió, y pronto los tejidos comenzaron a necrosarse. Una infección afectó al cartílago, desfigurando por completo su nariz y su rostro. A pesar de que acudió a médicos especialistas, la pérdida de su apéndice era ya irreversible.
Pero los doctores que le atendieron tuvieron una idea para que Xiaolian recuperara su imagen. Los cirujanos que lo atendían en un hospital de Fuzhou, en la provincia china de Fujia, usaron el tejido de la frente del paciente para moldear una nueva nariz. Le pusieron un cartílago, tomado de sus costillas, y ahora ya ha crecido y está a punto para ser trasplantada al lugar adecuado. Pronto Xiaolian volverá a lucir una nariz normal.

Después de que la nariz de este hombre chino sufriera daños irreparables a causa de una infección, sus médicos decidieron "hacer crecer" una segunda nariz en la frente del hombre para reemplazar la nariz original. 

El paciente sufrió daños en la nariz debido a una infección tras un accidente automovilístico. Sus médicos decidieron que la única forma de reconstruir su nariz era formar quirúrgicamente una nueva en la frente del paciente. Se colocaron expansores de tejido debajo de la piel y luego se cortaron para que parecieran una nariz. 

Luego, los médicos extraían cartílago de la costilla del paciente para darle estructura adicional a la nariz. 

Publicado el 25 sept. 2013
Boy Has A Nose Growing On His Head Ready For Transplant

Xiaolian, 22, had his life changed dramatically. After a car accident left his nose infected and damaged, there was no hope of him ever looking the same again — that is until doctors in the Fuzhou, Fujian province of China decided to sculpt a new nose for him.

The procedure is called flap prefabrication, which is a newer technique in reconstructive plastic surgery. Surgeons are using the skin and cartilage from Xiaolian ribs and are moving the cartilage up to his forehead while waiting for the blood supply to grow in. After they take both the skin and cartilage from his forehead to do the nasal reconstruction.

Ultimately, they decided that his forehead would be the best location. Now, the young man has an almost full-grown nose on his head, as doctors wait for the process to be complete. Afterward, they will perform the nose transplant.

"Surgeons say that the nose has developed well and that the transplant surgery will be

A Chinese man has had a new nose grown on his forehead.
The man, who has only been named as Xiaolian, had the treatment to create a replacement for his original nose which was infected and deformed.

The procedure was carried out at a hospital in Fuzhou, Fujian province.
The 22-year-old damaged his nose in a traffic accident in August 2012 but failed to seek treatment.

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Este Blog va dirigido a profesionales de la salud y público en general EMS Solutions International garantiza, en la medida en que puede hacerlo, que los contenidos recomendados y comentados en el portal, lo son por profesionales de la salud. Del mismo modo, los comentarios y valoraciones que cada elemento de información recibe por el resto de usuarios registrados –profesionales y no profesionales-, garantiza la idoneidad y pertinencia de cada contenido.
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jueves, 5 de julio de 2012

Leonid Rogozov - The Surgeon Who Operated on Himself

In April, 29th, 1961 a doctor of the 6th Soviet Antarctic expedition Leonid Rogozov aged 27 felt pain in a right lower belly and fever. The next day brought only exasperation. Having no chance to call a plane and being the only doctor at the station “Novolazarevskaya”, at night, in April, 30th the surgeon made an appendix removal operation on himself using local anesthesia. He was assisted by an engineer and the station’s meteorologist.

In 1959 Leonid Rogozov graduated from the Institute and was immediately accepted to the surgery clinical residency. However, his studies at the residency were broken off for some time due to Leonid’s trip to Antarctica in September, 1960 as a doctor of the 6th Soviet Antarctic expedition to Novolazarevskaya station.

During this expedition there happened an event that made a 27-year old surgeon world-famous.

In the 4th month of the wintering, in April, 29th, 1961, Leonid showed disturbing symptoms: weakness, nausea, fever and pain in a right iliac region. The following day his temperature got even higher. Being the only doctor in the expedition consisting of 13 people, Leonid diagnosed himself: acute appendicitis. There were no planes at any of the nearest stations, besides, adverse weather conditions would not allow to fly to Novolazarevskaya anyway. In order to save the sick member of a polar expedition there was needed an urgent operation on site. And the only way out was to operate on himself.

At night, on the 30th of April, 1961, the surgeon was being helped by a mechanical engineer and a meteorologist who were giving him the medical instruments and holding a small mirror at his belly. Lying half bent on the left side, the doctor made a local anesthesia with novocaine solution and made a 12cm incision in the right iliac region with a scalpel. Either watching in the mirror or by touch he removed an inflamed appendix and injected antibiotic in the abdominal cavity. In 30 or 40 minutes from the beginning of the operation there developed a faint and giddiness and the surgeon had to make pauses for some rest. Nevertheless, by midnight the operation lasting 1 hour and 45 minutes was over. In five days the temperature normalized, in two days more – the stitches were taken out.

In the St. Petersburg Museum of the Arctic and the Antarctic there is an exposure of surgical instruments that Leonid Rogozov applied for this uneasy operation. 

An astronaut-pilot of the USSR, a Hero of the Soviet Union, German Titov wrote in his book “My blue planet”:

“In our country an exploit is life itself.

… We admire the Soviet doctor Boris Pastukhov, who injected himself with plague vaccine before applying it on the sick people: we envy the courage of the Soviet doctor Leonid Rogozov who made an appendix removal operation on himself in the hard conditions of the Antarctic expedition.

Sometimes I reflect upon this in solitude and ask myself if I could do the same and only one answer comes to my mind: “I would do my best…”