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Aunque pueda contener afirmaciones, datos o apuntes procedentes de instituciones o profesionales sanitarios, la información contenida en el blog EMS Solutions International está editada y elaborada por profesionales de la salud. Recomendamos al lector que cualquier duda relacionada con la salud sea consultada con un profesional del ámbito sanitario. by Dr. Ramon REYES, MD

Niveles de Alerta Antiterrorista en España. Nivel Actual 4 de 5.

Niveles de Alerta Antiterrorista en España. Nivel Actual 4 de 5.
Fuente Ministerio de Interior de España
Mostrando entradas con la etiqueta PREHOSPITAL MEDICINE. Mostrar todas las entradas
Mostrando entradas con la etiqueta PREHOSPITAL MEDICINE. Mostrar todas las entradas

sábado, 24 de julio de 2021

The LifeBot 5 tm The new telemedicine device

The LifeBot 5 tm The new telemedicine device  

The LifeBot 5 tm The new telemedicine device 

The LifeBot 5 tm The new telemedicine device 

The LifeBot 5 : The Game Has Changed. 15 Pounds of Portable Ruggedized Telemedicine
That May Be Used Anywhere at Anytime

Phoenix, AZ, USA October 22, 2012 : LifeBot, LLC announced that it is beginning deliveries of its new advanced telemedicine system called the LifeBot 5. According to the company, two state telemedicine programs have ordered or contracted for delivery of the advanced DREAMS™ telemedicine systems.
LifeBot acquired the exclusive world-wide license to DREAMS™ (Disaster Relief and Emergency Medical Services) and has reduced the system to a miniaturized lightweight portable unit that may be used anywhere at anytime. The original system was developed under DOD grants of $14 million from the Telemedicine and Technology Research Center (TATRC) and U.S. Army Medical Research and Materiel Command (USAMRMC).
The new LifeBot 5 promises to revolutionize the way remote care is delivered and reduce both the risks and costs of deploying telemedicine systems in both hospital-to-hospital and hospital-to-ambulance communications.
Faster Deployment: Reduced Costs Saving More Lives
The base collaboration LifeBot 5 is very affordable, beginning under $20,000. The system may be less than half of the cost of most existing telemedicine systems that have many less critical features. Being portable, the LifeBot 5 may be installed instantly and at less costs putting life-saving telemedicine systems on the fast-track to full scaled deployment.
The Intelligent Communications Manager (ICM)
The system is the only portable telemedicine system with critical wireless connectivity management on-board. Developed exclusively as a part of the DREAMS™ Project, the ICM transparently manages 4G, 3G, LTE, WiMax, Cellular, Wi-Fi, Satellite, and Data Radio connections automatically aggregating what works. This proven system gives new efficacy to mobile telemedicine and pre-hospital ambulance operations even in very low-bandwidth situations.

The Interceptor™ : Full Patient Monitoring Built-In
The LifeBot Interceptor™ is an on-board medical electronics module that allows for direct patient connection and full physiological monitoring. The system offers the largest display in the business, 10.2 inches diagonally. The need for a separate monitor and its associated extra patient connections are eliminated.
The LifeBot Interceptor™ compliments live video and voice transmissions with live patient monitoring, and remote data transmissions of live clinical waveforms for single lead ECG, 12-Lead ECG, HR, NIBP, dual invasive BP, SpO2 with plethysmogram, etCO2 with capnogram, tpCO2, and dual temperatures integrating popular MasimoSET® technologies.
Finally It's Your Data : 5-Second 12-Lead STEMI Transmissions
The LifeBot Interceptor™ intercepts critical data directly from the patient. This information is sent automatically "live" in just seconds and it is securely shared only with the parties involved. There is no need for expensive separate third-party servers or additional related expenses to hospitals.
12-Lead ECG reports are sent automatically. In addition, 12-Lead reports, in Adobe PDF formats, may be instantly emailed directly to interventional cardiologist's computers or cellphones. A cath lab "STEMI Alert" may be initiated from both the ambulance and hospital locations in just seconds.
Interact with Existing ePCR and Electronic Medical Record Systems
While the LifeBot 5 has the first live ePCR (Electronic Patient Call Report) system built-in, web browser interfaces are integrated to provide ready access to existing web-based ePCR systems and Electronic Health Record (EHR) systems.
Complete call reports, including 12-lead ECG reports, are generated in Adobe PDF formats which may be easily attached directly to patient records. The platform is ideal for achieving Health Information Exchange (HIE) objectives for use by Accountable Care Organizations (ACO) vieing for timely reimbursement.
Since the LifeBot 5 uses a standard SQL based on-board database server, patient information, including physiologic data, may be readily ported automatically into any medical record system.
Where is the Defibrillator?
LifeBot has patented new defibrillation technologies that will be available in the future. The LifeBot 5, however, has been designed to house the Philips FR3 miniature AED (Automatic External Defibrillator). Since the LifeBot 5 is a complete patient monitoring system, there is little need for a separate monitor defibrillator system, except for synchronized countershock and pacing procedures. Any existing defibrillator may be carried along-side the LifeBot 5 as desired.
Complete FDA Compliance
LifeBot, LLC is registered with the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). All medical device systems used by LifeBot are 510(k) premarket approved and compliant. The LifeBot 5 is one of the first systems to undergo registration under the new Class I Medical Device Data Systems (MDDS) classification.
LifeBot 5 : The Future
Unlike existing instruments, the LifeBot 5 is modular in construction so it may be readily adapted to new technologies or be easily upgraded as critical needs arise. LifeBot is taking specific steps to make the system even smaller and lighter. According to LifeBot CEO, Roger Lee Heath, "These are just the first steps towards a portable system design that will rapidly evolve. The LifeBot 5 system is already setting new standards for advancing remote care in the industry."
Link official web 

sábado, 2 de marzo de 2019

¿Te imaginas un mundo sin paramédicos? Can you imagine a world without Paramedics?

World Without Paramedics

World Without Paramedics

about the CAMPAIGN

BC's Paramedics and Dispatchers are highly trained, dynamic medical professionals, who deliver emergency paramedicine to you, wherever you are. Every day these dedicated men and women respond to thousands of calls for help, no matter how tough the situation.

24 hours a day, 365 days a year, we're here for you.

Can you imagine a world without Paramedics?

World Without Paramedics

World Without Paramedics - Heart Attack

When a medical emergency, like a heart attack, suddenly strikes, BC's Paramedics and Dispatchers are highly trained, dynamic medical professionals, who deliver emergency paramedicine to you, wherever you are. Every day these dedicated men and women respond to thousands of calls for help, no matter how tough the situation.

24 hours a day, 365 days a year, we're here for you.

Can you imagine a World Without Paramedics...?





Twitter: @DrtoleteMD


¿Por qué el Desfibrilador TELEFUNKEN?

El DESFIBRILADOR de Telefunken es un DESFIBRILADOR AUTOMÁTICO sumamente avanzado y muy fácil de manejar.

Fruto de más de 10 años de desarrollo, y avalado por TELEFUNKEN, fabricante con más de 80 años de historia en la fabricación de dispositivos electrónicos.

El desfibrilador TELEFUNKEN cuenta con las más exigentes certificaciones.

Realiza automáticamente autodiagnósticos diarios y mensuales.

Incluye bolsa y accesorios.

Dispone de electrodos de "ADULTO" y "PEDIÁTRICOS".
Tiene 6 años de garantía.
Componentes kit de emergencias
Máscarilla de respiración con conexión de oxígeno.
Tijeras para cortar la ropa
Guantes desechables.

¿ Qué es una Parada Cardíaca?

Cada año solo en paises como España mueren más de 25.000 personas por muerte súbita.

La mayoría en entornos extrahospitalarios, y casi el 80-90 % ocasionadas por un trastorno eléctrico del corazón llamado"FIBRILACIÓN VENTRICULAR"

El único tratamiento efectivo en estos casos es la "Desfibrilación precoz".

"Por cada minuto de retraso en realizar la desfibrilación, las posibilidades de supervivencia disminuyen en más de un 10%".

¿ Qué es un desfibrilador ?

El desfibrilador semiautomático (DESA) es un pequeño aparato que se conecta a la víctima que supuestamente ha sufrido una parada cardíaca por medio de parches (electrodos adhesivos).

¿ Cómo funciona ?


El DESA "Desfibrilador" analiza automáticamente el ritmo del corazón. Si identifica un ritmo de parada cardíaca tratable mediante la desfibrilación ( fibrilación ventricular), recomendará una descarga y deberá realizarse la misma pulsando un botón.


El desfibrilador va guiando al reanimador durante todo el proceso, por medio de mensajes de voz, realizando las órdenes paso a paso.


Únicamente si detecta este ritmo de parada desfibrilable (FV) y (Taquicardia Ventricular sin Pulso) permite la aplicación de la descarga. (Si por ejemplo nos encontrásemos ante una víctima inconsciente que únicamente ha sufrido un desmayo, el desfibrilador no permitiría nunca aplicar una descarga).

¿Quién puede usar un desfibrilador TELEFUNKEN?

No es necesario que el reanimador sea médico, Enfermero o Tecnico en Emergencias Sanitarias para poder utilizar el desfibrilador.

Cualquier persona (no médico) que haya superado un curso de formación específico impartido por un centro homologado y acreditado estará capacitado y legalmente autorizado para utilizar el DESFIBRILADOR (En nuestro caso la certificacion es de validez mundial por seguir los protolos internacionales del ILCOR International Liaison Committee on Resuscitation. y Una institucion de prestigio internacional que avale que se han seguido los procedimientos tanto de formacion, ademas de los lineamientos del fabricante como es el caso de

TELEFUNKEN en Rep. Dominicana es parte de Emergency Educational Institute International de Florida. Estados Unidos, siendo Centro de Entrenamiento Autorizado por la American Heart Association y American Safety and Health Institute (Por lo que podemos certificar ILCOR) Acreditacion con validez en todo el mundo y al mismo tiempo certificar el lugar en donde son colocados nuestros Desfibriladores como Centros Cardioprotegidos que cumplen con todos los estanderes tanto Europeos CE como de Estados Unidos y Canada


Dimensiones: 220 x 275 x 85mm

Peso: 2,6 Kg.

Clase de equipo: IIb


Temperatura: 0° C – + 50° C (sin electrodos)

Presión: 800 – 1060 hPa

Humedad: 0% – 95%

Máximo Grado de protección contra la humedad: IP 55

Máximo grado de protección contra golpes:IEC 601-1:1988+A1:1991+A2:1995

Tiempo en espera de las baterías: 3 años (Deben de ser cambiadas para garantizar un servicio optimo del aparato a los 3 años de uso)

Tiempo en espera de los electrodos: 3 años (Recomendamos sustitucion para mantener estandares internacionales de calidad)

Número de choques: >200

Capacidad de monitorización: > 20 horas (Significa que con una sola bateria tienes 20 horas de monitorizacion continua del paciente en caso de desastre, es optimo por el tiempo que podemos permanecer en monitorizacion del paciente posterior a la reanimacion)

Tiempo análisis ECG: < 10 segundos (En menos de 10 seg. TELEFUNKEN AED, ha hecho el diagnostico y estara listo para suministrar tratamiento de forma automatica)

Ciclo análisis + preparación del shock: < 15 segundos

Botón información: Informa sobre el tiempo de uso y el número de descargas administradas durante el evento con sólo pulsar un botón

Claras señales acústicas y visuales: guía por voz y mediante señales luminosas al reanimador durante todo el proceso de reanimación.

Metrónomo: que indica la frecuencia correcta para las compresiones torácicas. con las Guias 2015-2020, esto garantiza que al seguir el ritmo pautado de compresiones que nos indica el aparato de forma acustica y visual, podremos dar RCP de ALTA calidad con un aparato extremadamente moderno, pero economico.

Normas aplicadas: EN 60601-1:2006, EN 60601-1-4:1996, EN 60601-1:2007, EN 60601-2-4:2003

Sensibilidad y precisión:

Sensibilidad > 90%, tip. 98%,

Especificidad > 95%, tip. 96%,

Asistolia umbral < ±80μV

Protocolo de reanimación: ILCOR 2015-2020

Análisis ECG: Ritmos cardiacos tratables (VF, VT rápida), Ritmos cardiacos no tratables (asistolia, NSR, etc.)

Control de impedancia: Medición9 de la impedancia continua, detección de movimiento, detección de respiración

Control de los electrodos : Calidad del contacto

Identificación de ritmo normal de marcapasos

Lenguas: Holandés, inglés, alemán, francés, español, sueco, danés, noruega, italiano, ruso, chino

Comunicación-interfaz: USB 2.0 (El mas simple y economico del mercado)

Usuarios-interfaz: Operación de tres botones (botón de encendido/apagado , botón de choque/información.

Indicación LED: para el estado del proceso de reanimación. (Para ambientes ruidosos y en caso de personas con limitaciones acusticas)

Impulso-desfibrilación: Bifásico (Bajo Nivel de Energia, pero mayor calidad que causa menos daño al musculo cardiaco), tensión controlada

Energía de choque máxima: Energía Alta 300J (impedancia de paciente 75Ω), Energía Baja 200J

(impedancia de paciente 100Ω)

sábado, 10 de junio de 2017

Dr. Lance Stuke PHTLS Medical Director

Dr. Lance Stuke PHTLS  Medical Director 

"Hola y saludos desde Nueva Orleans, Soy el Dr. Lance Stuke Director Medico PHTLS y miembro del Comite de Trauma del Colegio Americano de Cirujanos. Quiero extender mis felicitaciones al Grupo de Trabajo Tactico de la Sociedad Española de Medicina de Urgencias y Emergencias. SEMES, quienes estaran entrenando en Control de Sangrados y Manejo de Multiples Victimas en Situaciones Tacticas, adicionalmente quiero dar las gracias al Dr. Ramon Reyes por su liderazgo para brndar este curso a cada uno de ustedes, en el mundo en que vivimos multiples victimas, vienen haciendose mas y mas comun, y estos entrenamientos son valiosos al proveer estandares de calidad  para la comunidad y y finalmente a nuestros pacientes. Gracias por su dedicacion, espero a conocerlos a todos en el futuro"

Dr. Lance Stuke
PHTLS Medical Director


Sep 03, 2015

As many of you know, Dr. Norman McSwain would greet PHTLS faculty with the same question every time we met or talked on the phone, "What have you done for the good of mankind today?"
Even now, we can hear him say those words, and it is with those words in mind that we share with you his wishes for sustaining and growing his beloved PHTLS program. Dr. McSwain knew his time with us was finite and he wanted to make sure there was a succession plan in place for his position as Medical Director of PHTLS. He recommended Dr. Lance Stuke of the Louisiana State University Medical Center and the Spirit of Charity Trauma Center to succeed him, and spent the last year mentoring him to take on this role.

Lance met Dr. McSwain for the first time in 1992 when he was a paramedic bringing patients to the trauma team at Charity Trauma Center in New Orleans. Dr. McSwain actually began training Lance then so it was no surprise that, when Lance became a surgeon, he would find his way back to Charity, ultimately being asked to serve on the PHTLS committee. 

Dr. Stuke was formally appointed to the position of PHTLS Medical Director late last week.  Please join us in welcoming Dr. Stuke to his new role.  We are confident that with Dr. Stuke serving as our Medical Director, we will be able to preserve and strengthen the PHTLS legacy that Dr. McSwain established and nurtured for the last thirty years.
Dr. McSwain is counting on all of us to report on what we've done for the good of mankind.  Let us use his words, his passion and his leadership as a beacon for us to follow into the future.

Dear PHTLS Faculty,
As many of you know, Dr. Norman McSwain would greet PHTLS faculty with the same question every time we met or talked on the phone, "What have you done for the good of mankind today?"
Even now, we can hear him say those words, and it is with those words in mind that we share with you his wishes for sustaining and growing his beloved PHTLS program. Dr. McSwain knew his time with us was finite and he wanted to make sure there was a succession plan in place for his position as Medical Director of PHTLS. He recommended Dr. Lance Stuke of the Louisiana State University Medical Center and the Spirit of Charity Trauma Center to succeed him, and spent the last year mentoring him to take on this role.

Lance met Dr. McSwain for the first time in 1992 when he was a paramedic bringing patients to the trauma team at Charity Trauma Center in New Orleans. Dr. McSwain actually began training Lance then so it was no surprise that, when Lance became a surgeon, he would find his way back to Charity, ultimately being asked to serve on the PHTLS committee. 
Dr. Stuke was formally appointed to the position of PHTLS Medical Director late last week.  Please join us in welcoming Dr. Stuke to his new role.  We are confident that with Dr. Stuke serving as our Medical Director, we will be able topreserve and strengthen the PHTLS legacy that Dr. McSwain established and nurtured for the last thirty years.
Dr. McSwain is counting on all of us to report on what we've done for the good of mankind.  Let us use his words, his passion and his leadership as a beacon for us to follow into the future.

Conrad Kearns, MBA, Paramedic, A-EMD
NAEMT President
Will Chapleau, EMT-P, RN, TNS
Chair, PHTLS Committee

PHTLS PreHospital Trauma Life Support
Lance Stuke, MD
Medical Director
Dr. Lance Stuke is Assistant Professor of Surgery in the Department of Surgery, Division of Trauma and Critical Care, at Louisiana State University School of Medicine in New Orleans, La. He is a trauma surgeon at the Spirit of Charity Trauma Center at University Hospital in New Orleans (formerly Charity Hospital). Dr. Stuke began in EMS as a volunteer EMT-Basic for the Tulane Emergency Medical Service, a college-based EMS service. After college, he worked full time for several years as an EMT-Paramedic for the City of New Orleans, where he was also an ATLS, ACLS, and PALS instructor. He earned his Bachelor of Science degree from Tulane University in New Orleans, majoring in Biology.
He earned his Master of Public Health degree from the Tulane University School of Public Health and Tropical Medicine, with an emphasis on environmental toxicology, and completed his MD degree at Tulane School of Medicine. He did his general surgery residency at Parkland Hospital University of Texas Southwestern School of Medicine in Dallas, Texas. After his training, he returned to New Orleans for a trauma/critical care fellowship at LSU/Charity and joined the faculty upon completion of his training. Dr. Stuke has published numerous peer-reviewed research papers and written several textbook chapters on trauma-related topics.

Lance Stuke - Trauma Surgeon

NAEMT Welcomes Dr. Lance Stuke as the New PHTLS Medical Director. #phtls

jueves, 5 de enero de 2017



Reason #10 - The reality of their experience is not what they expected when they signed on.
Reason #9 - They don’t like the work they are being asked to do nor how it is being done.
Reason #8 - Veteran or leadership volunteers won’t let them into the “insider” group.
Reason #7 - They spend more time meeting than doing.
Reason #6 - No one listens to their suggestions.
Reason #5 - They feel unrecognized, and see that thanks are unfairly given to everyone, no matter who did the most work or none at all.
Reason #4 - They are no longer asked to participate.
Reason #3 - They do not actually understand how to get more involved.
Reason #2 - They can no longer see how their involvement makes a difference.
And the #1 Reason volunteers leave is...........

It stopped being fun. Remember that a volunteer is there by choice and if they aren't enjoying the experience they are likely to put on their walking shoes.

~source: Critical Response Network