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Aunque pueda contener afirmaciones, datos o apuntes procedentes de instituciones o profesionales sanitarios, la información contenida en el blog EMS Solutions International está editada y elaborada por profesionales de la salud. Recomendamos al lector que cualquier duda relacionada con la salud sea consultada con un profesional del ámbito sanitario. by Dr. Ramon REYES, MD

Niveles de Alerta Antiterrorista en España. Nivel Actual 4 de 5.

Niveles de Alerta Antiterrorista en España. Nivel Actual 4 de 5.
Fuente Ministerio de Interior de España

domingo, 2 de julio de 2023

K9 vs Active Shooter by

Former Navy SEAL Trains Cloned K-9s to Locate and Take Down School Shooters
After five tours overseas, Joshua Morton returned home and put his skills as a K-9 handler into action
By Jodie Fleischer, Rick Yarborough and Jeff Piper
Published Aug 13, 2019 at 3:34 PM | Updated at 11:52 AM EDT on Aug 14, 2019

Even when it's just pretend, hearing gunshots echo through a school and seeing children play dead in a hallway makes your heart race and your stomach sick. Now, a former Navy SEAL says he has the solution to stopping school shootings: He's training dogs to find them and take them down.

"That's what I've been trained to do, is to deal with these situations," Joshua Morton told the News4 I-Team.

After five tours overseas, Morton returned home and put his skills as a K-9 handler into action. He began training police dogs to detect drugs or explosives, teaching them what he calls the Morton Method. Then he started seeing images of what weapons of war were doing here at home.

"I did not expect to see what I saw overseas, to see it in schools. But, unfortunately, it's happening," Morton said. "I've been trying to find this solution for a very long time."

K-9 Simulation 1[DC] K-9 Simulation 1
During an active shooter drill, a K-9 runs through the halls of a school in search of a gunman.(Published Tuesday, Aug. 13, 2019)
He says that solution started with finding the right dog — one he could train to run toward the sound of gunfire. He demonstrated the dog's ability for the I-Team at a training facility outside his home in Chariton, Iowa. His friend, Jimmy, acts as the gunman, and repeatedly fires an assault rifle with blank rounds. His gunshots cue the dog that it's time to work. Morton acts as the dog's handler, a critical role.

"We're not just releasing the dog and the dog's just randomly searching the building. It's a combo. It's a team," Morton said.

He says he makes the training as real as possible. His friends pose as students and run away from the gunfire. The dog is not distracted. It uses its senses of sound, smell and sight to find the right room and Jimmy holding the gun. Sometimes Jimmy wears a protective suit. Sometimes the dog wears a muzzle instead.

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It definitely isn't Jimmy the dog is after. During the demonstration, the dog aggressively attacks Jimmy once he finds him. Minutes later, without the gun, Jimmy approaches and the dog jumps up to say hello, tail wagging.

"They're trained to deal with that specific situation," Morton said.

The next day, Morton arranges to demonstrate the dog's capability at Chariton High School, this time with parents and students from the town watching and participating.

K-9 Simulation 2[DC] K-9 Simulation 2
A specially trained K-9 finds and attacks a gunman during an active shooter simulation.(Published Tuesday, Aug. 13, 2019)
"Everybody says it's not going to happen here. That's what everybody says and then it happens there," said Nicci Chandler, a mother of five and substitute teacher who participated in the demonstration.

"It's amazing just to zone everything out and go for their targets," Chandler said.

She brought two of her children to see the dog in action and was impressed as he ran right by them. The dog also ignored Jimmy's protective suit, deliberately left lying on the floor in the hallway, to ensure that's not what the K-9 focused on.

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The dog ran through multiple doorways, guided by Morton, then, off leash, located Jimmy — all within 20 seconds of the gunfire starting. Morton would like to see one of his dogs embedded in every school in the country.

"I think it would be a great thing to have, no question," Chandler said. "So, if it does happen you're ready."

Matt Seitz works as a sheriff's deputy in Houston County, Minnesota. He helped Morton develop the active shooter K-9 idea.

K-9 Simulation 3[DC] K-9 Simulation 3
A specially trained K-9 runs down a narrow hallway to attack a gunman during an active shooter simulations.(Published Tuesday, Aug. 13, 2019)
"The school that we're in is not vulnerable," said Seitz, adding that he doesn't worry about the dog attacking responding officers because by the time they arrive, an active shooting situation is usually over.

Plus, active shooters are often students or former students. Seitz says the students knowing a K-9 is there and trained to attack is a deterrent.

"Right now, in the United States the status quo outcome is, when there is an active shooter event, kids die," Seitz said. "And we're not status quo."

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But defeating that status quo comes with a hefty price tag: $125,000 per year for a dog and trained handler. Seitz says it's impossible to put a value on safety.

"We're not depending on just a locked door, we have a thinking person with you know, the thinking dog," he said.

Morton says most dogs are not capable of grasping that level of thinking and training. When he found one that was, he started creating new ones specifically for this mission.

K-9 Simulation 4[DC] K-9 Simulation 4
During a simulation , a K-9 and its handler move through a facility in search of an active shooter.(Published Tuesday, Aug. 13, 2019)
"Cloning allows me to be consistent," Morton said. "Now, I know that I can tell a client, 'Hey, I'll have this dog ready in nine months."

He currently has five cloned puppies in training. He gets them at 8 weeks old and says most can complete the training by the time they're a year old. He says besides the intellect, the dogs have a suitable demeanor. They aren't particularly interested in people, but they are friendly enough to spend their day around students.

Morton told the I-Team the disposition and personality of the Active Shooter K-9 is just as critical as the intellect. He says the dogs are friendly enough to say hello to strangers and then quickly move on without fixating on them.

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"I think that that's something that's genetic, a dog that's just neutral to people,” Morton said.

He first tried breeding the dogs but quickly realized many of the litters did not result in dogs with the same demeanor, creating puppies that were not suitable to be Active Shooter K-9s.

"Not to say they're not great dogs, they make great pets," Morton said. "But that's just not my clientele. I'm not a company that sells pets."

K-9 Point of View[DC] K-9 Point of View
See a point-of-view video of a K-9 during an active shooter simulation.(Published Tuesday, Aug. 13, 2019)
Once he found the perfect specimen, he began using a company in Texas to inject that dog's DNA into the eggs of female dogs. The puppies are then carried and born like normal dogs.

"It’s way more effective, way more efficient," Morton said.

Because the training and performance of these dogs is highly specialized, and they will be working around children, Morton needs to be able to guarantee their consistency and stability.

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Morton says the first clone is slated to start work at a school in Minnesota in January. He's already heard from about 10 others expressing interest once they see how that first one goes.

"Some of the logistics of who handles the dog, where the dog stays during the day and then just student safety alongside the dog are still some just question marks," said Chariton High Assistant Principal Tim Milledge.

Milledge wonders how most schools would afford a dog and handler but says he sees the value. If they take a gunman's attention off of students and teachers just for a few seconds, it might be the time they need to escape an active shooter.

"We want to keep our kids safe, so it's pretty impressive what the dogs are able to do," Milledge said.

Morton says the dogs cannot do it alone. He already has a waiting list of willing handlers who know what it's like to face an automatic weapon: veterans.

"You can't expect your gym teacher to do this," Morton said. "What we're trying to look for is people with some kind of experience dealing with an active shooter type scenario."

In Parkland, Florida a school resource officer is criminally charged for failing to enter the building to stop an active shooter. Morton says his dogs won't have that fear.

"I am sending the dog as a canary," Morton said. "It's a hard pill to swallow but I'm sorry, it's reality. I would rather it be him than a child or somebody else."

Primeros auxilios K9

Turn volume up for debrief
#caninetacticalofiowa #caninetactical246 #mortonmethod #cloneworkingk9 #theapachebrand #theeudorisbrand #cwk9 #activeshooterk9
#ctacdebrief #Firulais #TECC #EMS #Hartford #Perro #PrimerosAuxiliosK9

Dr Ramon REYES, MD,
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AED Automatic External Defibrillator . UN compacto, economico y seguro

Vehículos de reparto de nadadores pt. 10/ Swimmer Delivery Vehicles pt. 10


Historia del buzo de combate

Vehículos de reparto de nadadores pt. 10

Los SDV entregan #CombatDivers a un objetivo mientras transportan una carga útil mayor de lo que sería posible con los buzos nadando libremente. El Convair Model 14 fue el primer #SDV operativamente útil diseñado en los EE. UU. A partir de este vehículo, se desarrolló el MK 6 SDV con fines de entrenamiento y experimentación. El MK 7 pronto siguió en la progresión del diseño.

A fines de la década de 1960 se produjeron avances evolutivos en el desarrollo de la tecnología SDV en los Estados Unidos. Fue entonces cuando el MK 7 Mod 2 se convirtió en el primer SDV de diseño estadounidense en entrar en servicio de combate y fue operado por los SEAL de la Marina de los EE. UU. en Vietnam. Fue construido con materiales no ferrosos para minimizar las firmas acústicas y magnéticas y transportó hasta cuatro Combat Divers.

En 1968, el USS Grayback fue modificado para operaciones UDT y SEAL. El submarino tenía la capacidad de transportar y desplegar hasta cuatro SDV.

A mediados de la década de 1970, la Marina de los EE. UU. desarrolló el MK 8, que se convirtió en la principal plataforma de entrega de SEAL bajo el agua durante los siguientes 20 años. En 1995, los vehículos MK 8 se sometieron a un programa de extensión de vida útil que mejoró significativamente sus capacidades operativas.

Para obtener más información sobre esta y otras historias, visite el Museo Virtual Combat Diver.

Foto superior: USS Grayback después de la conversión para transportar SDV. Gracias a nuestro amigo H.I. Sutton por la foto.

Foto inferior: Convair Model 14 (más tarde llamado Mk 6). Foto de "US Navy SEALs en San Diego" por Michael P. Wood

Combat Diver History

Swimmer Delivery Vehicles pt. 10

SDVs deliver #CombatDivers to a target while carrying a payload greater than would be possible by the divers free swimming. The Convair Model 14 was the first operationally-useful #SDV designed in the US. From this vehicle, the MK 6 SDV was developed for training and experimental purposes. The MK 7 soon followed in the design progression.

The late 1960s saw evolutionary leaps in the development of SDV technology in the United States. It was then the MK 7 Mod 2 became the first American-designed SDV to enter combat service and was operated by US Navy SEALs in Vietnam. It was constructed with nonferrous materials to minimize acoustic and magnetic signatures and carried up to four Combat Divers.

In 1968, the USS Grayback was modified for UDT and SEAL operations. The submarine had the ability to carry and deploy up to four SDVs.

In the mid-1970s, the U.S. Navy developed the MK 8, which became the primary underwater SEAL delivery platform for the next 20 years. In 1995, the MK 8 vehicles underwent a service-life extension program that significantly upgraded its operational capabilities.

For more on this and other stories, visit the Virtual Combat Diver Museum!

Top Photo: USS Grayback after conversion to carry SDVs. Thanks to our friend H.I. Sutton for the photo.

Bottom Photo: Convair Model 14 (later called Mk 6). Photo from "US Navy SEALs in San Diego" by Michael P. Wood

Dr Ramon REYES, MD,
Por favor compartir nuestras REDES SOCIALES @DrRamonReyesMD, así podremos llegar a mas personas y estos se beneficiarán de la disponibilidad de estos documentos, pdf, e-book, gratuitos y legales..

Grupo Biblioteca/PDFs gratis en Facebook #DrRamonReyesMD








NEW RIP SHEARS / Novedad para Tijeras de Trauma Rip Shears

El Firefly (RS-3) Fué desarrollado tras muchas peticiones de paramedicos para un dispositivo que brillara en la oscuridad y así evitar la perdida de la tijera y para ver exactamente en donde se cortaría la ropa.
Es la Tijera de Trauma más rápida en el mundo, diseñada y probada en Medicina de Comate por los US Navy SEALs

Video como funciona RIP-shears

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Tema relacionado:

sábado, 1 de julio de 2023

Ampolla en un adolescente de Reino Unido, tras tocar una planta venenosa. El perejil gigante proviene de Asia "Heracleum Mantegazzianum". Fitofotodermatitis


El perejil gigante proviene de Asia

Perejil Gigante "Heracleum Mantegazzianum"

Causa quemaduras y ceguera

Lesiones de larga duración

Según el Departamento de Conservación Ambiental, el calor, la humedad y el sudor pueden empeorar los efectos en la piel. La reacción fototóxica comienza a los 15 minutos después del contacto, con un pico de sensibilidad entre 30 minutos y dos horas después del contacto. Las lesiones cutáneas puede durar semanas y se necesitan meses para su cura total.

La savia de esta planta hace que la piel sea tan sensible a la luz solar que una exposición normal puede causar quemaduras graves, un proceso llamado fitofotodermatitis. El roce con la planta puede dar lugar a ampollas dolorosas, cicatrices en la piel y provocar que la piel se vuelva sensible a la luz solar durante años tras ser expuesta a su veneno.

¿Cuál es el químico en el perejil gigante?

Cuando la savia del perejil gigante (GH), que contiene furanocumarinas fotosensibilizantes , entra en contacto con la piel humana junto con la luz solar, puede causar fitofotodermatitis, una inflamación grave de la piel. En resumen, la savia evita que su piel se proteja de la luz solar, lo que provoca una quemadura solar muy grave.

Peligros para la salud e instrucciones de seguridad para el Hogweed gigante (con fotos gráficas)

Cuando la savia del perejil gigante (GH), que contiene furanocumarinas fotosensibilizantes, entra en contacto con la piel humana junto con la luz solar, puede causar fitofotodermatitis, una inflamación grave de la piel. En resumen, la savia evita que su piel se proteja de la luz solar, lo que provoca una quemadura solar muy grave. El calor y la humedad (sudor o rocío) pueden empeorar la reacción de la piel. La reacción fototóxica puede comenzar tan pronto como 15 minutos después del contacto, con un pico de sensibilidad entre 30 minutos y dos horas después del contacto.

quemaduras 5, 6 y 7 días después del contacto con la savia del perejil gigante quemaduras 8 y 9 días y 5 meses después del contacto con la savia del perejil gigante

Foto de una quemadura de perejil gigante - 5 días a 5 meses después de la exposición inicial. Crédito de la foto: Bob Kleinberg

Los síntomas de la exposición a la savia gigante de Hogweed

Ampollas dolorosas que se forman dentro de las 48 horas y se vuelven oscuras y pigmentadas

Cicatrices que duran hasta seis años, aunque por lo general solo duran unos pocos meses

La sensibilidad a largo plazo a la luz solar es común

Dónde se encuentra la savia tóxica

La savia se puede localizar en todas las partes de la planta pero las siguientes tienen mayor concentración: la parte inferior de los tallos huecos y pecíolos; los pelos huecos de la planta; el follaje, tallo, flor o fruto (semilla).

Precauciones de seguridad para controlar el perejil gigante

Consulte la página web Cómo controlar la GH , que incluye una guía detallada

No toque la planta con la piel desnuda.

No toque su piel desnuda con guantes cubiertos de savia

Evite que la luz solar ultravioleta llegue a la piel al:

Usar guantes impermeables largos, mangas largas, pantalones, botas y protección para los ojos; Los materiales sintéticos resistentes al agua son los mejores, ya que las fibras de algodón y lino pueden absorber la savia de la planta y ser penetradas por los pelos de la planta.

Si controla plantas con varias personas, mantenga una buena distancia entre sí, ya que la savia puede salpicar de tres a cuatro pies

Aplique bloqueador solar antes de comenzar a trabajar

Lave la ropa que pueda haber estado en contacto con las plantas.

Lavar el equipo con agua inmediatamente después de su uso.

Limite la exposición a la luz solar después del control O trabaje cerca de plantas gigantes de perejil después de la puesta del sol

NO use un cortador de maleza o un cortador de maleza: la savia puede salpicar a medida que se cortan los tallos.

Mantenga agua, jabón y lavaojos cerca del área de trabajo en caso de exposición

Qué hacer si está expuesto al perejil gigante

Lave bien el área afectada con jabón y agua FRÍA tan pronto como sea posible.

Mantenga el área expuesta alejada de la luz solar durante 48 horas.

Si se produce una reacción, la aplicación temprana de esteroides tópicos puede reducir la gravedad de la reacción y aliviar las molestias.

Si la savia entra en los ojos, enjuáguelos con agua y use anteojos de sol.

Si se ha producido una reacción, el área de la piel puede estar sensible a la luz solar durante algunos años y es posible que desee aplicar bloqueador solar o mantener el área afectada protegida del sol cuando sea posible.

Consulte a un médico si tiene una reacción o alguna pregunta.

si se entra en contacto con esta planta, como por ejemplo, mantener el área expuesta lejos de la luz solar durante 48 horas y lavarla con agua y jabón. 


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Ross McPherson sufrió tanta agonía que se desmayó en urgencias después de que su mano rozó una planta gigante de perejil que le provocó ampollas desagradables mientras estaba en su bicicleta en Dunbar, Escocia.


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Ross McPherson was left in so much agony he fainted in A&E after his hand grazed a giant hogweed plant resulting in nasty blisters while on his bike in Dunbar, Scotland


El jardín venenoso en Alnwick, Northumberland, Inglaterra.

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The Poison Garden In Alnwick , Northtumberland England.

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¡Junio es el Mes de la Salud Masculina! Vea nuestra guía de salud para comprender mejor los síntomas y los factores de riesgo del cáncer de próstata, la prueba de detección de PSA y las afecciones que no son cáncer, como agrandamiento de la próstata (HPB) y prostatitis.

June is Men's Health Month! View our health guide to better understand prostate cancer symptoms and risk factors, the PSA screening test, and conditions that are not cancer, such as an enlarged prostate (BPH) and prostatitis.
