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Aunque pueda contener afirmaciones, datos o apuntes procedentes de instituciones o profesionales sanitarios, la información contenida en el blog EMS Solutions International está editada y elaborada por profesionales de la salud. Recomendamos al lector que cualquier duda relacionada con la salud sea consultada con un profesional del ámbito sanitario. by Dr. Ramon REYES, MD

Niveles de Alerta Antiterrorista en España. Nivel Actual 4 de 5.

Niveles de Alerta Antiterrorista en España. Nivel Actual 4 de 5.
Fuente Ministerio de Interior de España

martes, 1 de octubre de 2024

Russian Army Tourniquet Esmarch´s tourniquet

AK -74 S with Russian Esmarch´s tourniquet 

Torniquete del ejército ruso Torniquete Esmarch

Realidad o Ficción

Supuesto entrenamiento militar Ruso. Atención a los métodos utilizados y a el uso del rudimentario TORNIQUETE RUSO "Russian Army Tourniquet Esmarch´s tourniquet" posted by Dr. Ramon Reyes, MD 

visitar nuestro blog para mas información de este dispositivo médico EMS SOLUTIONS INTERNATIONAL

Esmarch tourniquet. Element of individual medicine chest. Exept its direct using russian soldiers use it from Afghanistan conflict as buttstock bandage for AK-74S to reduse cheek burning by overheated  by firing rifle steel buttstock. Also turniquet wrapped over buttstock has much faster acces if you, or your comrade get shot in combat. That's why it used such way by russian soldiers with other rifles.

«… Wounded Corruption main limb vessels, respectively, with profuse bleeding (arterial, venous, combined) are a special group of» potentially saved «, ie such that, when providing timely and correct them first aid, could stay alive. The share of such persons on the results of the war in Afghanistan was at least 10%, as a result of armed conflict in the North Caucasus — up to 25% of the total number of wounded who died on the battlefield. Of these, 90% of the immediate cause of death was external blood loss caused by damage to the great vessels of the limbs. Analysis of postmortem wounded U.S. Armed Forces who died on the battlefield during the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan (2001-present. Time) showed that more than 80% of them died from bleeding. A total of at least 10-15% of all deaths on the battlefield falls on bleeding wounds of the extremities … «. 

And of those who survived, many have lost limbs due to improper rendering of the first pre-medical (tourniquet).
Hemostatic tourniquet applied when providing first aid to temporarily stop the bleeding from the vessels of the extremities. 
Requirements for a tourniquet.
— Must completely stop the flow of blood from the damaged artery. The main criterion for the correct use of a tourniquet on a limb — no pulse below the site of its imposition or full stop bleeding. The presence of pulse below the tourniquet, blue and edema say insufficient effort in its clamped that requires immediate removal and blending it under control pulse. Otherwise, it can lead to either amputation or death of the victim.
— Wiring must not injure arteries, nerves and underlying tissues. Typically, this is indicated in the excessive clamped limb presence harness design metal or plastic fasteners.
— Ability to use in any climate and in any light. 
— Possibility of a tourniquet on the bare skin.
— Wiring must be quick and easy to apply and just as quickly removed.
— Wiring must be easy to wash off the dirt and blood.
— Be strong enough and easy to impose.
Sometimes it was fashionable to wind a rubber band on the butt machine: and get fast and handy, and cheek in a frost does not freeze when shooting.

But the disadvantage is that the constant exposure to the sun or cold tires lost their properties and torn. In my eyes three times in a row. For short operations, hunting and the like, still a welcome way of transferring, but no longer. Better roll rings and taking place in the pocket elastic unloading in the waist pouch, in general, where it is more convenient. But the whole group, if possible, in one place (as IPP, first aid kits) not to look at assistance. Help provide honey. means the wounded!
It is necessary that more people have been trained in the use of your harness. Very likely to occur when the contents of your first aid kit will be forced to use sometimes completely random people to save your life also. And then they will play a key role is the ability to use this harness.

Used to temporarily stop the blood or venous bleeding at the site of the body.
Pros use:
— Made of high quality elastic rubber;
— Does not contain toxic and allergic elements;
— Does not lose shape when reusable;
— Cheap and easy to use;
— Resistant to multiple chemical treatments;
— Quickly and reliably stop arterial bleeding

Russian Esmarch´s tourniquet 

Comparative characteristics of Tourniquets
Tourniquet douches
Tourniquet C.A.T.
Tourniquet MEDPLANT

AK-74 S with Russian Esmarch´s tourniquet 
Russian Army Tourniquet Esmarch´s tourniquet 

Splav Army Tourniquet

Self-Affixing Tourniquet. Russian Firm Designs First Domestically-Produced Combat Tourniquet

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Valentyna Pushich, a combat medic of the 72nd Separate Mechanized Brigade of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

At the end of 2015, she signed a contract and joined the Armed Forces of Ukraine to rescue the wounded in the East. For saving soldiers during the heavy fighting in 2017 in Avdiivka, she was awarded the Order for Courage of 3rd degree.


On February 27, Valentyna Pushich was killed during a massive russian air raid on Brovary. She was on her way to pick up the wounded. 


Se observa el TQ en su Chaleco antibalas a la izquierda

Russian Army Tourniquet Esmarch´s tourniquetTQ


#Esmarch #TQ #Tourniquet

Self-Affixing Tourniquet. Russian Firm Designs First Domestically-Produced Combat Tourniquet

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