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Aunque pueda contener afirmaciones, datos o apuntes procedentes de instituciones o profesionales sanitarios, la información contenida en el blog EMS Solutions International está editada y elaborada por profesionales de la salud. Recomendamos al lector que cualquier duda relacionada con la salud sea consultada con un profesional del ámbito sanitario. by Dr. Ramon REYES, MD

Niveles de Alerta Antiterrorista en España. Nivel Actual 4 de 5.

Niveles de Alerta Antiterrorista en España. Nivel Actual 4 de 5.
Fuente Ministerio de Interior de España

viernes, 23 de junio de 2023

Recomendaciones para la asistencia y evacuación de pacientes en escenario Covid-19 (2019-mCoCov) en aeronaves sanitarias HEMS y FWAA v2 18.05.2021

Recomendaciones para la asistencia y evacuación de pacientes en escenario Covid-19 (2019-mCoCov) en aeronaves sanitarias HEMS y FWAA v2 18.05.2021



1 #congreso internacional de transporte médico aéreo, HEMS & FWAA del 3 al 17 de junio 2021

Emergencias médicas durante un vuelo comercial 

Todas nuestras publicaciones sobre Covid-19 en el enlace
Dr Ramon REYES, MD,
Por favor compartir nuestras REDES SOCIALES @DrRamonReyesMD, así podremos llegar a mas personas y estos se beneficiarán de la disponibilidad de estos documentos, pdf, e-book, gratuitos y legales..


Este Blog va dirigido a profesionales de la salud y publico en general EMS Solutions International garantiza, en la medida en que puede hacerlo, que los contenidos recomendados y comentados en el portal, lo son por profesionales de la salud. Del mismo modo, los comentarios y valoraciones que cada elemento de información recibe por el resto de usuarios registrados –profesionales y no profesionales-, garantiza la idoneidad y pertinencia de cada contenido.

Es pues, la propia comunidad de usuarios quien certifica la fiabilidad de cada uno de los elementos de información, a través de una tarea continua de refinamiento y valoración por parte de los usuarios.

Si usted encuentra información que considera erronea, le invitamos a hacer efectivo su registro para poder avisar al resto de usuarios y contribuir a la mejora de dicha información.

El objetivo del proyecto es proporcionar información sanitaria de calidad a los individuos, de forma que dicha educación repercuta positivamente en su estado de salud y el de su entorno. De ningún modo los contenidos recomendados en EMS Solutions International están destinados a reemplazar una consulta reglada con un profesional de la salud.

Reanimación neonatal: aprendiendo interactivamente (2021) Libro PDF/E-Book Gratis, CHILE


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Reanimación neonatal: aprendiendo interactivamente (2021)

Autores/as Pablo Gálvez Ortega (editor) , Carolina Ramírez Álvarez (editora)
Editorial: Facultad de Medicina, Universidad de Chile
Lugar de publicación: Chile
Unidad: Medicina
Palabras clave:

COMBAT CASUALTY CARE CONFERENCE. medical-mobile simulation team-europe. by Join Trauma System thusday, 29 June 2023 07:00 CDT


On Thursday, June 29, the Joint Trauma System will host a presentation led by COL Michael Wissemann on the newly created Medical Mobile Simulation Team-Europe (MMoST-E), which was recently announced as winner of the U.S. Army Medical Command Annual Wolf Pack Award for FY22.

Maintaining a ready medical force is a critical piece of the overall readiness of the Army. While Army medical treatment facilities are often referred to as medical readiness platforms, there are other critical or advanced skills that Army medical personnel do not receive as part of their daily work routine.

MEDDAC-B Medical Mobile Simulation Team has been singled out for their exceptional contributions focused on multiple actions to increase the individual critical tasks percentage by creating a static synthetic Role I environment for the MTFs closest to the headquarters and developing a mobile element for those at greater distance.

Please join JTS for this presentation!

#jointtraumasystem #jts #medicalsimulation #combatcare

martes, 20 de junio de 2023

Unsolicited Electronics. Smatwatches Received by Mail. Army Criminal Investigation Division


Attention❗ There have been incidents of military personnel receiving D18 Smart watches in the mail. Concerns are the watch can be used as a tool to gain personal information from individuals & cause a significant Info/Operations security threat to the United States Department of Defense and its members.

Action❗ If you receive an unsolicited D18 smart watch please contact your unit Security Manager or Counterintelligence.
Do not connect it to your personal Wi-Fi or bring it to work. It is recommended that you do not use the item for any purpose whatsoever.

#Security #Alert
US Army United States Army Reserve
Air Force Office of Special Investigations (AFOSI) Naval Criminal Investigative Service (NCIS) United States Marine Corps U.S. Coast Guard United States Air Force US Navy

domingo, 18 de junio de 2023

Trasplante cardiaco en niño con cardiomiopatía en shock y tratado con ECMO by Dr. Jorge Barretta


Créditos: Dr. Jorge Barretta 

Nos llena de mucha satisfacción el agradecimiento familiar y el trabajo mancomunado de un equipo multidisciplinario que llevo adelante un tratamiento muy complejo en un niño de 4 años con diagnostico de miocardiopatía , quien en estado critico de Shock cardio génico , fuese tratado inicialmente con terapia de Ecmo móvil pediátrico , el cual se fue a buscar a mas de 50 km de nuestra institución.

Observando su irreversibilidad , fue luego tratado con terapia mecánica prolongada ( Berlin Heart ) estando conectado durante 134 días .
Hoy cursa satisfactoriamente su tercer día post operatorio de trasplante cardiaco y desconexión del corazón artificial .
Felicitaciones a todo este gran equipo del Hospital Italiano de Bs. As. que hace que esto pueda ser posible.

"Si eres de los que piensan que ser estrella del fútbol o del cine es ser héroes, pues te equivocas, estos son los verdaderos, aquellos que mantienen el milagro de la vida en la practica diaria del arte de la medicina" by @DrRamonREYESMD

"Si eres de los que piensan que ser estrella del fútbol o del cine es ser héroes, pues te equivocas, estos son los verdaderos, aquellos que mantienen el milagro de la vida en la practica diaria del arte de la medicina" by @DrRamonREYESMD

Trasplante de órganos - Infografía


sábado, 17 de junio de 2023

STAT Tourniquet 21 of 24 applications FAIL by Mike Shertz CRISIS MEDICINE

STAT Tourniquet 21 of 24 applications FAIL by Mike Shertz CRISIS MEDICINE 

STAT Medical devices is marketing a ‘new STAT tourniquet’ on social media, advertising it as a “mass casualty tourniquet.” After repeated questions from my law enforcement and fire colleagues about this device, I contacted STAT Medical on several occasions requesting information or medical literature demonstrating their product’s efficacy. I received no response.  
Subsequently, we performed our own testing on the STAT tourniquet. by Mike Shertz CRISIS MEDICINE 

A convenience sample of 24 firefighter and EMS related individuals was used to test the ability of 24 new STAT tourniquets to occlude femoral artery flow on doppler ultrasound. Tourniquets were purchased directly from the manufacturer at a cost of $474.75 for 25 tourniquets. 
Ages ranged from 14 (my daughter) to a 55-year old firefighter/paramedic, comprising 4 females and 20 males. Standing thigh sizes were determined by placing the STAT tourniquet snugly around the largest part of the thigh, over their standard duty uniforms, marked, and then measured with a tape measure at the completion of testing. This technique likely overestimates thigh circumference somewhat. Accurate, but not precise thigh measurements ranged from 20.5 inches to 27 inches. All of the testers have extensive experience self-applying CAT-tourniquets in training (yes, including my daughter).
Prior to tightening the STAT tourniquet, each tester was seated on the ground and was asked to place the tourniquet as high on the thigh as possible. Their posterior tibial pulse was established with an 8.0 MHz doppler ultrasound. Doppler pulsations were audible to the tester, who was then asked to tighten the STAT tourniquet until audible pulsation ceased or they were not physically capable of tightening it any more. If audible pulsations could not be eliminated, it was considered a device failure. If the device could not be maximally tightened because the locking mechanism repeatedly “slipped,” this was deemed a mechanical failure. Testers were allowed to use both hands to apply the device and try as many times as they desired. Each tester applied the device in a group setting which provided a competitive environment, with one tester commenting, “I hope I’m successful so I can rub it in all day on you.”
We chose a high and tight tourniquet placement because it tends to be the most challenging location to achieve vascular occlusion. Advertising materials from the device manufacturer suggest a high and tight placement. This testing model and tourniquet application site was chosen because it is consistent with the evaluation of other commercially available tourniquets tested on human volunteers.lthough the manufacturer recommends using a second device side by side if “bleeding doesn’t stop,” we chose not to do this in an attempt to evaluate the device consistent with the methodology of prior studies of commercially available tourniquets. Similarly, we chose to self-apply the tourniquets consistent with many of these studies. Unlike the USAISR “Navy Dive Study” in 2007, testers could hear the doppler pulsation, which encouraged them to continue and try to tighten the tourniquet. 

Dr. Mike Shertz is the Owner and Lead Instructor at Crisis Medicine. Dr. Shertz spent over 30 years gaining the experience and insight to create and provide his comprehensive, science-informed, training to better prepare everyday citizens, law enforcement, EMS, and the military to manage casualties and wounded in high-risk environments. Using a combination of current and historical events, Dr. Shertz’s lectures include relevant, illustrative photos, as well as hands-on demonstrations to demystify the how, why, when to use each emergency medical procedure you need to become a Force Multiplier for Good. 

STAT Tourniquet 21 of 24 applications FAIL by Mike Shertz CRISIS MEDICINE 

STAT Tourniquet 21 of 24 applications FAIL by Mike Shertz CRISIS MEDICINE 

Competencias y Tecnicas de Enfermeria en los Servicios de Urgencias pdf

Competencias y Técnicas de Enfermería en los Servicios de Urgencias

by Dr. Ramon Reyes, MD @DrRamonReyesMD #DrRamonReyesMD