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Aunque pueda contener afirmaciones, datos o apuntes procedentes de instituciones o profesionales sanitarios, la información contenida en el blog EMS Solutions International está editada y elaborada por profesionales de la salud. Recomendamos al lector que cualquier duda relacionada con la salud sea consultada con un profesional del ámbito sanitario. by Dr. Ramon REYES, MD

Niveles de Alerta Antiterrorista en España. Nivel Actual 4 de 5.

Niveles de Alerta Antiterrorista en España. Nivel Actual 4 de 5.
Fuente Ministerio de Interior de España

miércoles, 3 de mayo de 2023

Cómo mantenerse a salvo en un crucero . How To Stay Safe On A Cruise


Caroline Bologna

Thu, Apr 6, 2023

In 2012, Georgia Ananias was enjoying a Mediterranean cruise with her family when the unthinkable happened. Their vessel, Costa Concordia, struck a rock formation on the sea floor and began to capsize. It happened so quickly that not all passengers and crew were able to evacuate in lifeboats. Thirty-two people died.

“It was an awful experience,” she told HuffPost. “I can still hear the screaming. It’s a life-changing experience that nobody wants to have. You’d never think that when you go on a cruise that something like that can happen.”

Of all the travel disasters, cruise ship incidents certainly make their fair share of headlines. People have strong opinions about cruises, so whether there are disease outbreaks, reports of assault or deadly accidents, these events tend to garner a lot of attention.

Despite these stories, cruise expert Stewart Chiron aka “The Cruise Guy,” emphasized that such occurrences are overall rare when you look at the large number of cruise voyages and passengers that enjoy incident-free experiences each year.

“It is in the interest of all the ships to provide as safe an environment and experience as possible,” he said. “Unfortunately, there are bad situations that occur, but it’s far fewer than what we would see ashore.”

“There is nothing that suggests that all cruises are unsafe,” echoed Dr. Mark Fischer, regional medical director of International SOS. “Dangerous situations can happen anywhere at any time, and this includes on cruise ships.”

Still, he added, there are always unique health and safety risks when you embark on any travel journey, so it’s important to stay vigilant.

“According to the CDC, the most common health threats to cruise passengers include norovirus, seasickness and respiratory illnesses,” Fischer said. “Some of the most common safety threats include extreme weather and petty crime. There are some things out of a traveler’s control when on a cruise ship. However, there are also important guidelines a traveler can put into place to ensure safety.”

Below, experts share their advice for prioritizing health and safety during a cruise vacation, from pre-travel procedures to tips for port excursions.

Pay attention to safety drills.

“First and foremost, remember to pay attention during the mandatory muster drill,” Fischer said. “This is where you will learn where the life jackets are, what alarms mean, and what to do during certain emergencies. You should practice this drill a few hours after the instruction to ensure you retain the information.”

Pay particular attention to the emergency signal, which typically consists of seven or more short blasts of the horn followed by one long blast. You can find recordings online to familiarize yourself with the sound.

Ananias, now senior vice president of International Cruise Victims, recalled hearing the signal on the day of the Costa Concordia disaster. She and her family narrowly survived amid the chaos and confusion. “There were so many people from different countries, so they had to do five announcements in different languages from the PA system,” she said. “That’s why it’s helpful to know the signal since there can be language barriers or the PA system might stop working.”

There are simple steps you can take that will help keep you safe and healthy while on a cruise, according to experts.

There are simple steps you can take that will help keep you safe and healthy while on a cruise, according to experts.

Be on alert when visiting ports.

“If guests are wandering off the boat at a port, they should be aware of any safety concerns such as scams to avoid or pickpockets,” said Cathy Pedrayes, a safety expert and author of “The Mom Friend Guide to Everyday Safety and Security.” “The cruise ship can probably advise on any safety concerns specific to the area. And if you’re touring at a port, remove the obvious markers that you’re a tourist, such as a cruise ship ID bracelet unless required as part of a group tour.”

Before you disembark to explore a port, consider paring down your wallet to just one or two credit cards, especially if you’re traveling with a partner who has cards connected to the same accounts. That way, you’ll minimize the consequences of falling victim to theft.

“A lot of times, people don’t consider that they’re traveling internationally on the cruise because they departed from a U.S. port,” Stewart said. “Obviously, you want to have a great time, but you still need to have your wits about you. Tourists are targets. Make sure your purse is zipped. Don’t wear your flashiest jewelry and watches. And don’t leave your belongings on the beach unattended.”

He also recommended checking the latest news and State Department alerts for the destinations where the ship will be stopping. If reports of heightened crime make you uncomfortable, don’t feel pressured to disembark at that particular stop, or at least be extra vigilant.

“If something does happen at a port, say you get in a traffic accident in a remote area or wind up delayed on a tour you booked with someone other than the cruise line’s designated company, make sure you contact your carrier,” said travel safety consultant Kevin Coffey. “Usually, your cruise ID card contains valuable information like the number for a 24-hour phone line.”

Watch how much you’re drinking.

“Don’t drink so much alcohol that you lose your wits,” said Ashley Kosciolek, senior cruise writer at The Points Guy. “It could lead to slipping and falling or cause you to engage in unsafe behaviors. Plus, hangovers can really put a damper on the next day’s fun.”

Although the side railings are generally quite high and secure, accidents happen ― especially when people get too drunk.

“Just like at hotels during spring break, people have too many drinks and get an idea to try to move from one balcony to another or climb a railing to take a photo,” Stewart said.

Overindulging can lead to other dangerous incidents on cruises.

“What you’re seeing more and more of these days is you’re seeing a lot of fights breaking out on these ships,” said David Charlip, a lawyer specializing in cruise ship injury litigation. “People get drunk and, for whatever reason, have words with each other. A lot of people travel in big groups, so the next thing you know, you’ve got a gang of people fighting another gang of people. We’ve seen cases involving injuries, especially when the security staff intervenes.”

Be aware of your surroundings.

“Be aware of your surroundings ― like looking out for slippery decks or anything along those lines,” Pedrayes urged.

Use your common sense as you make decisions, and trust your instincts if something doesn’t feel right. Along the same lines, exercise the same caution around strangers and potentially dangerous situations on land.

“A cruise ship is like a small city,” Ananias said. “It’s filled with all different types of people, so you need to act accordingly.”

There are usually signs that indicate crew-only areas. As a passenger, you should avoid these zones, which can be potentially dangerous. Even if a crew member invites you into a restricted area, you should politely decline.

“Do not invite other passengers to your room or share your cabin number with anyone outside of those you are traveling with,” Fischer said.

And just as you’d be inclined to pay attention to your cocktail at a hotel bar or your beer at a local brewery, take the same approach with your drinks on a cruise. Date rape drugs can wind up in drinks on ships as well.

“Everything you do on land, you need to do on a ship,” Stewart said. “Be protective of your drink a the bar. These sorts of instances are far fewer on a ship, but that doesn’t mean it’s not going to happen.”

Be mindful of what you eat.

“A lot of times, people get intestinal illnesses like norovirus during cruise vacations,” Charlip said. “It’s obviously a good idea to wash your hands frequently, but other than that, there’s not always a whole lot you can do. On excursions, you should pay attention like you would at a barbecue ― if you see things made with mayonnaise like coleslaw that have been sitting out all day, it’s probably not a good idea to eat them.”

If you have specific dietary needs, check the cruise line’s website or talk to a representative ahead of your trip to ensure they can be met on board.

“It’s also important to not share your food or beverages with passengers that you don’t know and ensure good ventilation when indoors on the cruise to avoid contracting illness from another party on the cruise,” Fischer said.

Be cautious about your surroundings, from slippery decks to crew-only areas.

Be cautious about your surroundings, from slippery decks to crew-only areas.

Don’t push past your limits.

“When people go on vacation, they often forget to pack their common sense and awareness,” Coffey said. “They think accidents or bad incidents can’t happen, but it’s still the real world.”

Remember that you don’t magically become a superhero when you embark.

“What happens on cruises is some people want to do things they haven’t done for most of their lifetime, if not most of the year,” Charlip said. “So they become more adventurous than perhaps their bodily limits allow and feel like they have to push themselves in many ways, whether it’s trying to squeeze in as many activities as possible, braving heat or different environmental conditions, overeating, and drinking or just otherwise going above and beyond.”

Trying new things can be great, but remember you’re on vacation and don’t push past your limits, no matter how fun the rock climbing wall on the ship looks. If you book a tour or activity, take the time to understand what it entails and make sure you’re prepared.

“Particularly in European countries, there may be a lot of walking, cobblestone streets, things like that,” Charlip explained. “A lot of these folks are somewhat elderly. If they’re on a 10-day cruise, by day eight, they might be exhausted but still doing stuff that’s terribly strenuous and active. They’re not giving their bodies the chance to rest and recuperate. If you push it too much, you’re opening yourself up to injury.”

Use the buddy system.

“Remain vigilant and be sure to stay with those you are traveling with both during the day and especially while moving around the ship at night,” Fischer said. “It’s also best to carry your identification with you at all times in the event of an emergency.”

Refrain from going off by yourself during excursions when possible. Instead, consider designating someone in your group as your designated partner who has your back and ensures you’re accounted for.

“If you’re a solo cruiser, it could be beneficial to buddy up and ensure that someone on the ship has an eye out for you by making a friend or two early on,” Fischer said. “However, don’t rely on this solely. Be sure to implement other practices to ensure your safety, such as putting valuables in your room safe, informing family or friends of your travel itinerary on the ship and on land, and always being aware of your surroundings.”

Children should also never be left alone on a cruise or excursion.

“Don’t allow your children to run around unsupervised,” Kosciolek said. “Not only is it potentially unsafe for them ― it can be an annoyance to other passengers.”

Protect your belongings.

“Make sure your cabin doors lock when you enter or leave your rooms,” Pedrayes said. “Use the safe for valuables. If you have a balcony room, be careful with leaving things on the balcony. You wouldn’t want it to get washed away in bad weather or with window washing.”

As with other forms of travel, avoid walking around with large sums of money or valuables. There are ways to protect your belongings before you also arrive on the ship.

“I recommend putting AirTags or other tracking devices in your luggage,” Coffey said. “Things get lost and misplaced. Luggage tags pop off, even on cruise ships.”

Stay on top of personal health and hygiene.

“It is always important to make sure you are up to date with your routine

vaccinations as well as the recommendations for the locations you plan to travel,” Fischer said. “Making an appointment with a travel medicine specialist at least four weeks prior to your trip will mitigate risk.”

Stay on top of personal hygiene practices, like regularly washing your hands throughout the vacation. Carry sanitizer as you go about your day as well.

“Frequent handwashing ― especially before you eat and after you use the bathroom or touch things like stair rails or elevator buttons ― is the best way to avoid both catching and spreading germs,” Kosciolek said. “Although cruise ships experience far fewer cases of norovirus than schools, hospitals, nursing homes and restaurants, it’s still a risk.”

Don’t forget to pack any medicine you might need. Kosciolek recommended seasickness remedies like as ginger candies, Bonine or Dramamine, accupressure wristbands or behind-the-ear patches.

“In a pinch, grab a green apple or a ginger ale from the buffet or room service,” she added. “Finding an area on a low deck near the middle of the ship also helps, as does finding a window and staring at the horizon.”

Always take any essential medications with you on your excursions so that you have them even if there’s an incident. Try to keep it all in its original packaging with prescription labels attached.

“If you have chronic medical conditions, ensure you have all of your medications in a secure location plus an extra seven days of medication in the event there are any travel delays,” Fischer added. “Travelers should be encouraged to carry medications in hand luggage and avoid packing medications in luggage they will be required to check. Checked-in luggage can become lost or delayed, which will interrupt the traveler’s regular administration regimes.”

Do your research.

Before you embark on your journey, familiarize yourself with any important policies and procedures in place. Understand what your travel insurance and health insurance do and don’t cover.

“If you have a heart attack or get into a traffic accident in an Uber or cab and wind up in the hospital during an excursion, you may not necessarily want to be at that particular hospital,” Coffey said. “Figure out what it would look like if you needed to be flown home too. And how would the costs be handled? Find out what medical care looks like on the cruise as well.”

Familiarize yourself with your tour operators, as they’d be responsible for any incidents and subsequent litigation.

“People don’t realize that most of the official excursions are not run or managed by the cruise line,” Charlip said. “It’s typically outside vendors, so you might not have the same degree of oversight and supervision that you would in the U.S. And don’t assume the cruise or tour staff will be looking out for your safety. The person that’s primarily responsible for your safety is you, so do your homework.”

He’s also a proponent of trusting your gut. So, for example, you can decline if you signed up for a snorkeling expedition but think the sea conditions don’t look good that day.

“Finally, make sure you have copies of all important documents, such as your passport, in case you lose it,” Pedrayes said. “I like to bring a paper photocopy, and I email myself a copy as well.”

Ensure someone back home has copies of your important information and itinerary. Then, have a plan of action if something goes wrong and you need help getting back home or reconnecting with the ship.

“Before the cruise, read your contract,” Ananias advised. “Leave knowing exactly what will happen should there be an accident. Know that U.S. laws likely won’t apply in many of these situations. You might feel like you’re signing your life away, so everybody should read that contract and make sure they feel comfortable.”


What happens if you get sick or hurt on a cruise?

By Thomas Faddegon

When people ask about getting sick on a cruise ship, they’re often worried about norovirus. But what happens if you catch a nasty cold, sprain your ankle, or (even worse) have a serious medical emergency like a heart attack? Rest assured, because cruise ships are well prepared.

Are there doctors on cruise ships?

Of course! Cruise ships will always have at least one doctor along with a staff of nurses. Larger ships will have more personnel with larger infirmaries.

What kind of medications do they have?

If you you’re looking for aspirin, seasickness meds or other basic over-the-counter meds, you probably can skip the a trip the infirmary and just buy them at the ship’s store. If you need prescription meds, medical facilities on cruise ships will have drugs on hand to treat infectious diseases like the flu and norovirus, problems with of the eyes, ear, nose and throat, and a variety of gastrointestinal and respiratory issues.

What kind of equipment do they have?

Don’t expect to find a full ER on board, but most shipboard infirmities come equipped with x-ray machines, stretchers, wheelchairs, EKGs, defibrillators, and cardiac monitors. The larger the ship, the more equipment they’ll have available.

Can they treat serious medical emergencies?

Infirmaries on cruise ships have the ability to stabilize patients in critical condition or deal with sudden emergencies like heart attacks. In an interview with, former cruise ship doctor Dr. John Bradberry actually makes the case that it’s better to have a heart attack on a cruise ship than on land because medical personnel will only be a few minutes walk away instead of a 10-15 minute drive.

However, their facilities are not as extensive as a hospital on land, so if there is a serious issue that requires emergency treatment, they may disembark the passenger at the next port so they can be taken to a facility with a proper ER. If the emergency is serious enough, sometimes passengers will be evacuated by helicopter or the ship will divert to a nearby port to get the passenger ashore as quickly as possible.

How qualified are the doctors?

Very qualified. Here are the MINIMUM requirements for a cruise ship doctor on Carnival according to

1. Graduate of an accredited school of medicine, with current licensure in the United States, Britain, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Ireland or other approved country.

2. Three years of formal post-graduate/post-registration clinical training, or board certification/or equivalent in Emergency Medicine, Family Practice or Internal Medicine.

3. Competence in emergency medicine with experience in orthopedic and minor surgical procedures.

4. Current certification as an ACLS Provider (Advanced Cardiac Life Support) or its equivalent, unless Board Certified in Emergency Medicine. ATLS (Trauma) Certificate and PALS (Pediatric) Certificate helpful, but not mandatory.


Did you know? The crew gets treated in the same infirmary as the passengers!

Will my health insurance cover any expenses?

Any charges incurred will be charged to your ship’s cabin, and you will have to recoup the money from your health insurance provider. Any expenses incurred will likely be considered out of network for your health insurance and may not be covered, which is why purchasing travel health insurance can be a good idea for people with preexisting conditions.

What are the hours for those doctor's offices?

The infirmaries on cruise ships keep regular hours, but will always have medical personnel on call 24 hours a day to deal with emergencies.

Will they quarantine me if I get sick?

Quarantining a passenger is up to the discretion of the cruise line. When they do quarantine passengers, they take it seriously: If norovirus or the flu is suspected, you will be told you must remain in your cabin, and your keycard will be deactivated to discourage you from leaving. Disobeying these rules could result in you being disembarked from the ship at the next port or banned from sailing with the line in the future.

Will I get disembarked from the ship?

The only reason cruise lines would medically disembark a passenger is if they deem the passenger to be unfit to continue sailing. If you have a contagious illness you will be quarantined, but if your condition is a serious risk to yourself or other passengers, you will be disembarked and taken to a hospital in port.

Igor Ivan Sikorsky o Sikorski; Kiev, 1889 - Eaton, 1972. Ingeniero aeronáutico ruso (ucraniano) nacionalizado estadounidense.

or Ivan Sikorsky o Sikorski; Kiev, 1889 - Eaton, 1972. Ingeniero aeronáutico ruso (ucraniano) nacionalizado estadounidense. 

 Igor Sikorsky

(Igor Ivan Sikorsky o Sikorski; Kiev, 1889 - Eaton, 1972) Ingeniero aeronáutico ruso nacionalizado estadounidense que desarrolló con éxito el helicóptero.

“Si tienes problemas en cualquier parte del mundo, un avión puede volar y arrojar flores, pero un helicóptero puede aterrizar y salvarte la vida”.
“If you are in trouble anywhere in the world, an airplane can fly over and drop flowers, but a helicopter can land and save your life.”
-- Igor Sikorsky

“Es como un sueño sentir que la máquina te levanta suavemente en el aire, flota suavemente sobre un punto”, -- Ígor Sikorsky #Sueño #Aire #Maquinas “El trabajo del individuo sigue siendo la chispa que hace avanzar a la humanidad”. -- Ígor Sikorsky #Positivo #Movimiento #Chispas “En ese momento [1909], el ingeniero jefe casi siempre era también el piloto de pruebas jefe. Eso tuvo el resultado afortunado de eliminar la ingeniería deficiente al principio de la aviación”. -- Ígor Sikorsky #Ingeniería #Pilotos #Pruebas “Según pruebas aerotécnicas reconocidas, el abejorro no puede volar debido a la forma y el peso de su cuerpo en relación con el área total del ala. El abejorro no sabe esto, así que sigue adelante y vuela de todos modos”. -- Ígor Sikorsky #Alas #Abejorros #Peso “Sería correcto decir que el papel del helicóptero para salvar vidas representa una de las páginas más gloriosas en la historia del vuelo humano”. -- Ígor Sikorsky #Sería #Roles #Ahorro “La aeronáutica no era ni una industria ni una ciencia. Fue un milagro. -- Ígor Sikorsky #Avión #Milagro “Dinero perdido-nada perdido, Salud perdido-poco perdido, Espíritu perdido-todo perdido.” -- Ígor Sikorsky #Pequeños #Espíritu #Perdidos “Si un hombre necesita ser rescatado, un avión puede llegar y arrojarle flores, y eso es todo. Pero un avión de elevación directa podría entrar y salvarle la vida”. -- Ígor Sikorsky #Flor #Avión #Hombres “Nuestras preocupaciones se hunden en la insignificancia cuando se comparan con el valor eterno de la personalidad humana, un hijo potencial de Dios que está destinado a triunfar sobre la mentira, el dolor y la muerte. Nadie puede quitarnos este sublime significado de la vida, y esto es lo único que importa”. -- Ígor Sikorsky #Niños #Dolor #Mentir “Los aviones supersónicos han transportado hombres a más de 2000 millas por hora y hay razones para creer que esta velocidad se duplicará para 1960 más o menos”. -- Ígor Sikorsky #Believe #Avión #Hombres “El helicóptero es probablemente el instrumento más versátil jamás inventado por el hombre. Se acerca más que ningún otro al cumplimiento de los antiguos sueños de la humanidad del caballo volador y la alfombra mágica”. -- Ígor Sikorsky #Sueño #Caballo #Hombres “Sería correcto afirmar que, con el exitoso vuelo del XR-4 en el verano de 1942, el helicóptero se hizo realidad en los Estados Unidos”. -- Ígor Sikorsky #Verano #Exitoso #Realidad

Hijo de un una pareja de físicos (aunque su madre nunca ejerció), desde su infancia mostró predilección por la aviación, en particular por los ingenios de Leonardo da Vinci, cuyos esquemas le impelieron a construir, con doce años de edad, un pequeño helicóptero impulsado por una goma elástica retorcida. En 1903 ingresó en la Academia Naval de San Petersburgo, que abandonó en 1906 debido a su interés en la ingeniería.

Tras un breve período en París, ingresó en el Instituto Politécnico de Kiev, y aunque cursó con éxito el primer año quedó convencido de que los problemas que él aspiraba a solucionar requerían soluciones prácticas bastante alejadas de las abstractas asignaturas que se cursaban. Realizó un breve periplo por Europa, trabando contacto con los pioneros aeronáuticos de entonces, realizó un curso en París y retornó en 1909 a Kiev con el firme propósito de construir un helicóptero, propósito que debió abandonar tras un par de infructuosos prototipos, pues el desarrollo técnico alcanzado en motores y materiales no era el suficiente.

Se volcó entonces en la construcción de aeroplanos convencionales. El primero con el que remontó el vuelo fue el S-2, y con el S-5, dotado de un motor de 40 HP, logró la licencia número 64 de la Sociendad Internacional de Pilotos. Los prototipos se sucedieron con rapidez: de entre ellos destaca el S-6, denominado Le Grand, el primer cuatrimotor del mundo en levantar el vuelo el 2 de agosto de 1913 y cuya cabina cerrada, con capacidad para ocho personas y que constituye una de sus principales innovaciones, suscitó fuertes críticas.

Al estallar la revolución soviética emigró a los Estados Unidos, consiguiendo establecerse como lector y posteriormente como maestro en una escuela de Long Island, empleo que abandonó al fundar, con ayuda de varios ex-oficiales del ejército imperial la Sikorsky Aero Engeneering Corporation. En 1928 logró la nacionalidad estadounidense, mientras que en su factoría comenzó a producir hidroaviones S-38 para la United Aircraft Corporation.

Estos hidroaviones cayeron en desuso a finales de la década, de forma que Sikorsky pudo por fín dedicarse a la construcción del helicóptero. El 13 de mayo de 1940 Sikorsky, que siempre realizaba personalmente las primeras pruebas de vuelo de cada prototipo, remontó el vuelo con el VS-300, permaneció suspendido en el aire en varios puntos distintos durante quince minutos y volvió a posarse en el lugar indicado.

Orgulloso de su invento, que pretendía haber construido como una herramienta poderosa para la industria y el transporte y, sobre todo, como un medio eficaz en labores de rescate de personas allí donde el acceso es prácticamente imposible por otros medios, se congratulaba hacia el fín de su carrera de que el helicóptero había salvado más de 50.000 vidas. Se retiró de la práctica de la ingeniería en 1957, aunque continuó siendo asesor en temas de aviación hasta su fallecimiento. Recibió múltiples premios y honores, entre los que destacan la medalla Daniel Guggenheim en 1951, y el Premio Nacional de Defensa en 1971, así como diversos doctorados honoris causa por las escuelas de ingeniería aeronáutica de su país.

IGOR SIKORSKY El origen de Igor Sikorsky, leyenda del aire. Sikorsky siempre mantuvo vivo el sueño de construir una aeronave capaz de mantenerse suspendida en el aire y él sabía que el helicóptero era el camino correcto, este deseo aparece en su niñez al estar rodeado de las magníficas historias de Julio Verne y los ingenios de Leonardo Da Vinci. Sikorsky nació en 1889 en Kiev, Imperio Ruso, a los doce años e influenciado por algunos de los esquemas de Da Vinci construyo un helicóptero propulsado por un motor de goma. Ya en 1903 ingreso a la Academia Naval de San Petersburgo, sin embargo, la abandono en 1906 debido a sus inquietudes por la ingeniería. En el año de 1909 Igor Sikorsky construyó dos helicópteros, pero no funcionaron como lo esperaba, por lo que en 1910 se inclinó a diseñar aviones de ala fija, mismos que tuvieron bastante éxito e incluso se convirtió en toda una celebridad en Kiev, ya que en ese lugar realizaba pruebas a sus prototipos y ocasionalmente paseaba a los lugareños. A los 23 años tuvo la oportunidad de comenzar a trabajar en Russo-Balt, una compañía dedicada a la producción de automóviles y aviones en el imperio ruso. Un año después de su ingreso a la empresa, él y su equipo diseñaron y ensamblaron la primera aeronave de cuatro motores del mundo, el “Sikorsky Ruski Vitiaz”, su primer vuelo fue el 10 de mayo de 1913, y si, Sikorski junto al piloto Aleknovitch tripularon la aeronave. Cabe señalar que también diseño otras máquinas aéreas como el S-2 y el S-5. Al estallar la revolución soviética Sikorsky perdió todo el dinero invertido en la empresa para la que trabajaba, esta fue nacionalizada por los bolcheviques y destinada a la construcción de tanques, por esta razón y porque un antiguo colega le advirtió que había visto su orden de ejecución tuvo que salir de su país. Primero se dirigió a Francia, pero solo estuvo ahí un breve periodo de tiempo, para marzo de 1919 Sikorsky viajo a Estados Unidos. Eligio Estados unidos porque pensó que el país era amplio y necesitaría un medio de transporte, por lo que seguramente serian tierras fértiles para el desarrollo de sus aeronaves. A su llegada Sikorsky tuvo que enseñar matemáticas para ganar un poco de dinero. En 1923, fundo “Sikorski Aero Engineering Corporation'”, en Roosevelt, Nueva York, con la cual quería desarrollar nuevas aeronaves desde el diseño original y retomar el éxito que en alguna ocasión tuvo. En 1924 el Sikorski S-29-A fue lanzado, esta era una de las primeras aeronaves bimotores fabricada en EUA, tenía la capacidad de transportar hasta 14 personas y alcanzaba una velocidad de 185 km/h. La fábrica de Sikorsky también se encargo de manufacturar hidroaviones como el caso del S-42, el cual fue usado por Pan American Ariways y el S-38 para la United Aircraft Corporation. En el año de 1928 logró la nacionalidad estadounidense y solo un año más tarde la compañía de Igor Sikorsky se volvió subsidiaria de United Aircraft, lo que le dio, por fin, la oportunidad de desarrollar helicópteros. En 1931 comenzó y fue el 14 de septiembre de 1939 que su modelo VS-300 inicio las pruebas de vuelo. Este helicóptero se convirtió en un gran éxito, contaba con un motor de 90hp, un diámetro de rotor de 9.14m y podía alcanzar una velocidad de hasta 80km/hr, su diseño se considera la base de los helicópteros de configuración convencional (rotor `principal – rotor de cola) que conocemos ahora. Gracias Gus del grupo Rotornautas. Carlos Carmona Helicopters

Ácido tranexámico inhalado para el tratamiento de la hemoptisis. Inhaled Tranexamic Acid for Hemoptysis Treatment.


Ácido tranexámico inhalado para el tratamiento de la hemoptisis. Inhaled Tranexamic Acid for Hemoptysis Treatment. 

Ácido tranexámico inhalado para el tratamiento de la hemoptisis Recientemente hemos publicado dos estudios sobre el TXA IM:

➊ IM TXA alcanza niveles terapéuticos a los 10 minutos

➋ IM TXA es una excelente alternativa al acceso IV

Pero, ¿qué pasa con el TXA INHALADO ➡ Específicamente para el tratamiento de la hemoptisis?

⁍ La dosis utilizada en el estudio fue de 500 mg (5 mL) de TXA nebulizado tres veces al día.

¿Qué estudiaron?

⦿ Cuarenta y siete pacientes fueron aleatorizados para recibir inhalaciones de TXA (n=25) o solución salina normal (n=22).

⦿ Observaron el volumen de sangre expectorada en cada grupo a partir del día 2 de ingreso.

⦿ Evaluaron el porcentaje de pacientes que tuvieron resolución de la hemoptisis al día 5 de ingreso.

¿Cuáles fueron los resultados?

➼ El TXA nebulizado "redujo significativamente" el volumen sanguíneo expectorado, a partir del día 2 de ingreso (p<0,01).

➼ La resolución de la hemoptisis ocurrió dentro de los 5 días para casi todos los pacientes tratados con ATX en comparación con el grupo de placebo (96 % frente a 50 %).

Pero espera hay mas:

➼ El grupo TXA mostró resultados significativamente mejores a los 30 días en comparación con el grupo placebo (P < 0,04).

➼ Después de un año, la tasa de recurrencia fue significativamente menor en el grupo TXA (P= 0,0092).

¿Qué concluyeron los autores?

➼ Las inhalaciones de TXA se pueden usar de manera segura y efectiva para controlar el sangrado en pacientes con hemoptisis no masiva.

Para resumir las últimas publicaciones sobre TXA:

‣ Vía IV - eficaz, tarda unos 10 minutos en administrarse

‣ Vía IM - también eficaz, toma segundos y alcanza niveles terapéuticos en 10 minutos

‣ Nebulizado: eficaz para la hemoptisis que no pone en peligro la vida de forma aguda

‣ Oral: eficaz, pero su inicio tardío lo hace inapropiado para la atención de emergencia

Lea el estudio aquí:

martes, 2 de mayo de 2023

Plan Nacional de Actuaciones Preventivas de los Efectos del Exceso de Temperaturas en la Salud 2023. España


🔴 Sanidad ha propuesto a la Comisión de Salud Pública las novedades para el Plan Nacional de Actuaciones Preventivas de los Efectos del Exceso de Temperaturas en la Salud 2023
🔊 Se adelanta el inicio al 15 de mayo en lugar del 1 de junio.
🔸 El #PlanCalor2023 se prolongará más allá del 30 de septiembre según la evolución de las temperaturas.
🔸 Aunque aún no está activado, ya se están implementado mecanismos de vigilancia y, en caso de alerta, se avisaría a las comunidades y ciudades autónomas.

lunes, 1 de mayo de 2023

STOP THE BLEED® Educational License Program 2.0 - now available


STOP THE BLEED® Educational License Program 2.0 - now available

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