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Aunque pueda contener afirmaciones, datos o apuntes procedentes de instituciones o profesionales sanitarios, la información contenida en el blog EMS Solutions International está editada y elaborada por profesionales de la salud. Recomendamos al lector que cualquier duda relacionada con la salud sea consultada con un profesional del ámbito sanitario. by Dr. Ramon REYES, MD

Niveles de Alerta Antiterrorista en España. Nivel Actual 4 de 5.

Niveles de Alerta Antiterrorista en España. Nivel Actual 4 de 5.
Fuente Ministerio de Interior de España

jueves, 16 de agosto de 2018

How to Become a SWAT Medic? 13 Steps to be SWAT Medic by WikiHow

How to Become a SWAT Medic

SWAT medics provide emergency medical care to law enforcement personnel and civilians injured in SWAT operations. SWAT teams are called to situations that regular law enforcement teams are not equipped or trained to handle.[1] These kinds of missions have the potential to be highly violent and to practice emergency medicine under these circumstances take an immense amount of disciplined training and experience. However, if you are up for the challenge, becoming a SWAT medic can be an extremely rewarding career.

1. Earn a high school diploma. To begin down the road to becoming a paramedic, you need to hold a high school diploma or GED. Many paramedic training programs operate out of community colleges and will earn you an associate’s degree.
It is recommended that if possible, you continue your education after high school. While becoming a paramedic does not require a higher degree, continuing your education may give you more options in your career down the line.

2. Become CPR-certified. Some EMT-B courses require that you are already CPR certified. The Red Cross and other organizations offer CPR courses both online and in-person.[2]

3. Complete a EMT-B (Emergency Medical Technicians-Basic) training program. EMT training classes are offered at many community colleges and other institutions, so finding a course near you should not be too difficult. An average EMT course will take about 6 months to complete and will require 120-150 hours of training.[3]

4. Become certified as a EMT. After completing EMT-B, you will be able to take the National Registry of Emergency Medical Technicians Exam (NREMT) for EMTs and then apply for certification. You will need to take the exam and apply for certification within two years of completing the EMT coursework.[4]

5. Find a job as an EMT. Once you have become certified as an EMT, begin reaching out to ambulance companies, firehouses, and police departments to inquire about EMT positions. Online job lists can also be helpful in finding jobs (i.e. EMT jobs are relatively plentiful, as they are in high need around the country.[5]

6. Enroll in a paramedic training course. After working as an EMT for at least 6 months, you will be able to begin coursework to become a paramedic.[6] Paramedic training will take 1200-1800 hours, which means that many programs will last 6 to 12 months. It is common for community colleges to offer two-year courses in paramedic training, so check with your local schools to see what they offer.
Paramedic training is extensive and will involve both classroom and clinical training in hospitals and with ambulance companies.[7] If you are a paramedic student looking to eventually become a SWAT medic, it would be worthwhile to find an internship within law enforcement during your paramedic training.

7. Become certified as an paramedic. Once you have completed classroom and clinical training to become a paramedic, take the paramedic version of the NREMT and apply for certification as a paramedic.[8]

8. Find a job as a paramedic. The kind of job experience you have as a regular paramedic will greatly affect whether or not you will be able to eventually become a SWAT paramedic. You will need at least 5 years of experience as a paramedic in high-intensity situations. If you cannot find a regular paramedic job within a fire department or police department, it is worthwhile to seek out volunteer positions within these agencies.[9]
To become a SWAT medic, you will need to show your commitment to being the best practitioner of emergency medicine that you can. This means that you will need to be present and focused for your patients during your time as a regular paramedic in order to hone your skills.[10]
One option for gaining applicable experience as a medic is through the military. The military lifestyle may not fit into your plans, but if you are looking to become a SWAT medic specifically, being trained as a medic through the military might be a good option for you.[11]

9. Continue to develop professionally. Seek out additional certifications as a paramedic that will give you a more complete skill set, such as flight paramedic certification. When trying to find a job as a tactical medic, it will be important that you have shown an interest in staying up to date with new strategies and certifications.

10. Connect with a law enforcement tactical team. Many tactical paramedic training courses will require that you have an existing relationship with a law enforcement agency. Reach out directly to law enforcement agencies near you and if possible, make contact with local SWAT officers to express your interest in gaining tactical experience.[12]

11. Enroll in TEMS training. Once you have had some experience with a tactical team in law enforcement, you will be able to take a course in tactical emergency medicine. Tactical Emergency Medical Service training (TEMS) will focus on setting up zones of care, dealing with tactical constraints, and understanding how to support the overall success of a law enforcement mission.[13] Depending on the program, these intensive courses run for about a week and will often involve training with firearms.

12. Take the Certified Tactical Paramedic exam (TP-C). The exam is 125 questions and takes about 2.5 hours to complete. The exam is based around tactical principals and paramedicine best practices. Your TEMS training should prepare you well for this exam.

13. Find a position as a SWAT medic. The relationship building that you have engaged with throughout your career as a regular paramedic will be vitally important when trying to secure a SWAT medic position. Police departments will advertise for open medic positions sometimes, but you will find more success by reaching out directly to law enforcement agencies and sheriff departments.
There are a few website that can provide listings of positions within law enforcement, such as Tactical medic job listings can also be found on more traditional job search websites like and
Be aware that many SWAT medics, while elite members of the emergency medical community, will often work part time as a SWAT medic and full time as a regular medic. The reason for this is that only larger cities tend to have full time, large scale SWAT teams in their police departments.[14]

domingo, 12 de agosto de 2018

domingo, 5 de agosto de 2018

Autocuidados cardiosaludables. Recomendaciones Comunidad de Madrid

Autocuidados cardiosaludables. Recomendaciones Comunidad de Madrid
Consejería de Sanidad - D. G. de Salud Pública
Folleto en papel. Madrid, 2014Digital (1,46 Mb)

Recomendaciones en autocuidados cardiosaludables

Recomendaciones en autocuidados cardiosaludables

Recomendaciones en autocuidados cardiosaludables
Folleto en papel. Madrid, 2014. DL: M-3729-2014.
14,8 x 21,4 cm. 8 pág.   Digital (1,46 Mb)

miércoles, 1 de agosto de 2018


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El Modelo Español de Coordinacion de Trasplantes ONT. España pdf Gratis

El Modelo Español de Coordinacion de Trasplantes ONT. España pdf Gratis
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Guia de Buena Practica Clinica en Dislipemia OMC y Ministerio de Sanidad y Consumo. pdf Gratis

Guia de Buena Practica Clinica en Dislipemia OMC y Ministerio de Sanidad y Consumo. pdf Gratis 

Enlace para DESCARGAR pdf Gratis 

Guia de Practica Clinica sobre Terapia Intravenosa con Dispositivos no Permanentes en Adultos PDF Gratis

Guia de Practica Clinica sobre Terapia Intravenosa con Dispositivos no Permanentes en Adultos PDF Gratis 
Enlace para DECARGAR pdf Gratis 

Plan de emergencias Fundación Pública Urxencias Sanitarias de Galicia-061 PDF Gratis Xunta de Galicia

Plan de emergencias Fundación Pública Urxencias Sanitarias de Galicia-061 PDF Gratis Xunta de Galicia 

Enlace para DESCARGAR pdf Gratis 

LOS SISTEMAS SANITARIOS EN LOS PAISES DE LA UNION EUROPEA Caracteristicas e Indicadores de Salud 2017 PDF Gratis

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MANUAL DEL TECNICO DE TRANSPORTE SANITARIO (TTS) Fundacion Publica de Urxencias Sanitarias de Galicia-061 PDF Gratis

MANUAL DEL TECNICO DE TRANSPORTE SANITARIO (TTS) Fundacion Publica de Urxencias Sanitarias de Galicia-061 PDF Gratis  

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lunes, 30 de julio de 2018

Arritmias en urgencias LO QUE EL CLINICO DEBE SABER ppt Dr Ormaetxe Bilbao. España

Arritmias en urgencias LO QUE EL CLINICO DEBE SABER ppt Dr Ormaetxe   Bilbao. España
Enlace para DESCARGAR pdf GRATIS 

Unidades asistenciales del área del corazón. pdf GRATIS

Unidades asistenciales del área del corazón

Enlace para DESCARGAR pdf GRATIS 
Atención primaria y los dispositivos de urgencia son recursos no específicos de atención al paciente con enfermedad cardiovascular, por lo que sus profesionales deben disponer de competencias para prestar asistencia al paciente con enfermedad cardíaca, incluyendo la prevención y el control de los factores de riesgo cardiovascular. Las unidades asistenciales del área del corazón (UAAC) son recursos especializados dedicados específicamente a atender a este grupo pacientes.

miércoles, 25 de julio de 2018

Experto Universitario en el Manejo Avanzado de Incidentes con Múltiples Víctimas y Catástrofes de la SEMES

Experto Universitario en el Manejo Avanzado de Incidentes con Múltiples Víctimas y Catástrofes de la SEMES
Aborda de forma analítica y reflexiva, todos los aspectos relacionados con la gestión y labor asistencial en el Manejo de los Incidentes de Múltiples Víctimas (IMV) y Catástrofes para una correcta toma de decisiones.
Duración:6 meses
Créditos ECTS:25Nº 
horas lectivas:625
Periodo de matrícula:Hasta 13/12/2018
Fecha de inicio:13/12/2018
Fecha de finalización:13/06/2019
Precio curso:1.390 €
Ver más cursos de Medicina de Urgencias

viernes, 20 de julio de 2018

Responding to an opioid overdose Emergency: Online Training for Police Officers, Firefighters and EMTs ems solutions

Responding to an opioid overdose Emergency: Online Training for Police Officers, Firefighters and EMTs ems solutions

As of today, we have trained nearly 30,000 laypeople and just over 25,000 professional First Responders (Police Officers, Firefighters and EMTs) to save a life with naloxone. 

We are committed to keeping the trainings up-to-date (the Bystander training was updated this year) and available at no cost to individuals and non-profit organizations so we can have even more of an impact … and save lives.
We will start the New Year with another update (First Responder training) and follow with a new Spanish language version of our Bystander training, as well as active outreach to individuals and states, nationwide.
To help us further this life-saving work, please consider an end-of-the-year donation by clicking on the SAVE A LIFE button below.
Go to the training   HERE

miércoles, 18 de julio de 2018

Primeros Auxilios - Guía básica para actuar ante una emergencia Gratis en PDF

Primeros Auxilios - Guía básica para actuar ante una emergencia Gratis en PDF

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Se trata de una guía de primeros auxilios básicos muy amena y que puede servir para acercar este tema a los más pequeños gracias a su diseño gráfico que recuerda a un cómic y hace que resulte muy amena.

Protocolos de actuación ante emergencias sanitarias PDF Gratis

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Guía que recoge recomendaciones e indicaciones para docentes, monitores, personal de administración y servicios y usuarios en general, detallando cómo actuar ante diversas situaciones de emergencia que se puedan dar en los centros escolares.

Además en una segunda parte del manual, se han incluido Trastornos Psicosociales, que aunque no se consideren como accidentes o enfermedades repentinas que requieran una actuación inmediata, son problemas tristemente frecuentes hoy en día, por lo que un diagnóstico precoz puede ser de gran ayuda, siendo docentes o técnicos deportivos los primeros que podrían alertar de la presencia de signos y síntomas que puedan indicar un trastorno. 

Ultimas Publicaciones 17 Julio 2018