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Showing posts with label Hospital Ship. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Hospital Ship. Show all posts

Thursday, July 25, 2024

The Africa Mercy - Hospital Ship - Mercy Ships / Barco Hospital Civil Más Grande del Mundo "Africa Mercy". Video

Global Mercy y Africa Mercy, Barcos Hospitales Civiles by Mercy Ships
El buque hospital Africa Mercy
Juan A Oliveira / 11/11/2017
El Africa Mercy, perteneciente a la organización humanitaria no gubernamental texana Mercy Ships, es el buque hospital civil más grande del mundo. Desde el año 2007 este barco recorre la costa del continente africano brindando servicios médicos y cirugías gratuitas a todas aquellas personas que lo necesiten.

Current location of the ship

GLOBAL Mercy, es el barco hospital civil más grande del mundo y el segundo es el Africa Mercy

Later this month, the newly built #GlobalMercy will finally begin to fulfill her lifelong mission. She'll be commissioned in #Senegal, where she'll act as a floating training center, empowering and equipping several hundred local participants to change the healthcare landscape in their own nations.

Mercy Ships thanks you for your prayers and support! Without you, this moment would never have come to pass. Learn more about this historic celebration in Senegal and the path forward, #TogetherWithAfrica

This is the Military Health System (Sistema de Emergencias del Ejercito de EUA) by Miliatary Health

El Africa Mercy es el cuarto buque hospital operado por Mercy Ships. En 1983 esta organización adquirió el crucero Victoria y lo modificó para convertirlo en el Anastasis. Después se unirían a la flota el Caribbean Mercy, y el Island Mercy, para en 1999, hacerse con el Dronning Ingrid, un antiguo ferry de transporte de trenes construido en Dinamarca en 1980 y convertirlo en los astilleros Cammell Laird de Tyneside, Inglaterra, tras gastar 57 millones de euros, en el Africa Mercy, en operación desde 2007 y el único buque activo hoy en día de la flota de Mercy Ships.

Descrito como cualquier otro buque, el Africa Mercy mide 152 metros de eslora por 23,7 de manga, y cuenta con ocho cubiertas en las cuales hay sitio para cinco salas de operaciones, cuatro salas de recuperación, una unidad de cuidados intensivos, laboratorios, 126 camarotes para 480 personas, comedores, oficinas o un pequeño gimnasio, además de una escuela, biblioteca, lavandería o un supermercado. El buque cuenta también con una flota de 28 vehículos para el desplazamiento de su plantilla en tierra.

Pero el Africa Mercy es mucho más que eso. Es la oportunidad de recibir atenciones médicas para miles de personas, que hacen cola durante días cuando reciben la noticia de que el buque se acerca a sus poblaciones. Una plantilla de 15 doctores y 90 enfermeros realizan a bordo desde cirugía ortopédica a maxilofacial, pasando por plásica, oftalmológica o dental. En tierra, se realizan programas de cuidados dentales, de salud general o mentales, y se dan cuidados paliativos para enfermos terminales.

El Africa Mercy

El equipo reunido a bordo del Africa Mercy se compone de unos 400 voluntarios de hasta 40 diferentes países. Su voluntariado puede variar desde las dos semanas hasta los dos años de duración, durante los cuales se encargan no solo de los servicios médicos o quirúrgicos, sino también de todas las tareas típicas de un buque como el mantenimiento y las reparaciones, o incluso cocinar, cuidar de los pequeños o enseñarles en las escuelas de a bordo. Además, los voluntarios se encargan de la capacitación de personal médico nativo, en una región que contabiliza tan solo a 25 doctores y 91 enfermeros por cada 100.000 habitantes.

Para mantener el Africa Mercy perfectamente equipado y aprovisionado se envían cada año desde la base de Mercy Ships en Garden Valley, Texas, o desde el puerto de Rotterdam en Holanda el equivalente a 48 TEUs con instrumentos y suministros médicos, mobiliario o comida. Los suministros que necesitan unas condiciones especiales de temperatura para su transporte, como por ejemplo las vacunas, se envían por avión junto con los voluntarios que viajan para enrolarse en el buque.

Mercy Ships encuentra en fundaciones o en las donaciones privadas de colectivos o particulares la ayuda financiera para poder mantener al buque en operación, completamente equipado, tanto en equipos y suministros como en personal.

Fuente: Mercy Ships

Características generales.
Eslora: 152 metros
Manga: 27,3 metros
Calado: 6 metros
Velocidad: 18,5 nudos
Capacidad: 484 personas
Tripulación: 450 personas

Haz clic en la imagen para verla ampliada (fuente: Mercy Ships)

Juan A Oliveira es el responsable del Área de Ingeniería Naval Aplicada en CT Ingenieros. Desde 2013 edita y coordina el blog de temática naval Puedes conectar con él a través de Twitter o LinkedIn.


The Africa Mercy - Hospital Ship - Mercy Ships / Barco Hospital Civil Más Grande del Mundo "Africa Mercy"

Africa Mercy (Current Flagship)

Deployed 2007


Acquired in 1999, the Dronning Ingrid underwent conversion from a Danish rail ferry into the world's largest non-governmental hospital ship. Sponsored by corporate and individual donors, the purpose-built Africa Mercy has five operating rooms and an 82-bed ward.

Facilities & Features

At 16,572 tons Africa Mercy is currently the largest civilian hospital ship in the world.

The hospital covers most of the original rail deck – approximately 1,200 square metres. It is divided into quadrants containing supply/services, six operating theatres, recovery/intensive care and low-dependency wards with a total of 82 patient beds. Projected annual medical capacity is approximately 7,000 surgical procedures onboard including cataract removal/lens implants, tumour removal, cleft lip and palate reconstruction, orthopaedics and obstetric fistula repair. The hospital contains a CT Scanner as well as X-ray, laboratory services and a Nikon Coolscope, which allow remote diagnosis almost instantaneously. Whenever required, diagnoses are transmitted via an onboard satellite communication system to doctors in developed countries.
Programs Ashore
In addition to the operations performed onboard, ship-based teams work in local villages providing a wide array of services to increase health and well-being which include dental clinics, medical clinics, community health education, HIV/AIDS intervention, water and sanitation projects including well drilling, construction, agriculture and micro-enterprise projects.

State-of-the-art facilities

The hospital includes five operating theatres, recovery, intensive care, and low dependency wards—totaling 80 patient beds.

Onboard surgical capacity: ~7,000 interventions per year
Instruments of note: CT Scan, X-Ray, laboratory services, a Nikon Coolscope for remote diagnosis
Data transmission: Onboard satellite communication system transmits diagnoses and other data

The Africa Mercy has meeting and work spaces as well as accommodation for an average crew of 450. The 474 berths are split between 26 family cabins, 25 two-berth cabins for couples, and shared and single cabins for individual occupants.
Safety & Security
The vessel is fitted with an automatic sprinkler system throughout the accommodation and hospital areas. An addressable smoke detector system pinpoints the exact location of the source of any potential fire. Machinery spaces are covered by CO2 gas flooding system as well as a “Hi Fog” system which can be very effective in controlling localised fires in the machinery space. Gurkha security guards man the gangway 24 hours a day with metal detectors and other screening devices. They are backed up by CCTV around the vessel, while critical spaces such as the bridge and engine room remain locked at all times.


Length: 152 m
Breadth: 23.7 m
Gross Tonnage: 16,572
Built: 1980 Elsinore, Denmark
Registered: Malta
Crew Capacity: 474
Cargo Capacity: 1,724 m3
Main Engines: 4 B&W (3120 kW each)
Draft: 6.0 m
Surveyed By: Bureau Veritas

Volunteers from over 30 nations have served onboard the Africa Mercy, which was acquired in 1999 and built specifically for the Mercy Ships mission. It is the largest non-governmental hospital ship in the world, effectively more than doubling the annual medical capacity of her predecessors.

State-of-the-art facilities
The hospital includes five operating theatres, recovery, intensive care, and low dependency wards—totaling 78 patient beds.
  • Onboard surgical capacity: ~7,000 interventions per year
  • Instruments of note: CT Scan, X-Ray, laboratory services, a Nikon Coolscope for remote diagnosis
  • Data transmission: Onboard satellite communication system transmits diagnoses and other data

Las Naves

Desde 1978, Naves de Esperanza ha visitado más de 550 puertos alrededor del mundo. En un océano de necesidad, voluntarios entregados representando más de 40 países reúnen sus capacidades para marcar una diferencia que perdurará en el tiempo.
Naves de Esperanza esta en el proceso de renovar toda su flota y con la entrada en servicio activo de la Esperanza de África y la retirada de la Anastasis en junio de 2007, la ONG ha completada la retirada de todas las naves anteriores. No obstante  la nueva nave tiene la capacidad para realizar más trabajo que las 3 naves anteriores juntas.
Como este nuevo buque solo puede estar en una zona geográfica a la vez, es el deseo de Naves de Esperanza de aumentar la flota en el futuro y poder ofrecer nuestra ayuda a más gente y en más lugares.
Desde las oficinas en 17 países desarrollados se apoya el trabajo en el campo reclutando voluntarios, buscando recursos y sensibilizando al público.
Naves de Esperanza cuenta con buques – hospital con tripulación de múltiples nacionalidades para ofrecer asistencia médica de calidad y promover el desarrollo sostenible a largo plazo, en algunos de los países más necesitados del mundo. Equipos y proyectos en tierra apoyan el trabajo de las naves.

La nave de más reciente incorporación en la flota, Esperanza de África, tiene una eslora total de 152 m y un tonelaje de 16.572. Esta nave, está en la actualidad en el Reino Unido siendo transformada de ferry ferroviario en buque-hospital, tras su transformación, superará a la Anastasis siendo el buque-hospital no gubernamental más grande del mundo, contando con seis quirófanos y una planta de hospitalización para 78 camas.

Tonelaje Bruto
Año de Construcción
Capacidad de Carga
Motores Principales
Clasificado por
152 m
23.7 m
1980 Elsinore, Dinamarca
1.724 m3
4 B&W (3120 kW cada uno)
6 m
Bureau Veritas

Enlace a Pagina Oficial Mercy Ships  Ingles
Enlace a Pagina Naves de Esperanza Español

 hospital ship 'The Atlantic Mercy' (working title) for Mercy ShipsDelivery of the ship from the shipyard is anticipated in 2017, with full deployment in 2018

New Ship to Double the Capacity to Deliver Free Healthcare

Mercy Ships has announced that it has signed contracts with Asian and European shipbuilding firms to purpose-build a new 37,000 GRT hospital ship 'The Atlantic Mercy' (working title) for Mercy Ships.
 “We are thrilled to formally secure this important milestone for a project we have worked on quietly for quite some time,” says Don Stephens, Mercy Ships President and Founder. “Our goal with this second Mercy Ship is to more than double the capacity for hope and healing through life-changing surgeries provided to those with little access to specialised healthcare and to increase the partnership of training and educational support of health professionals within the developing nations our ships will continue to serve.”
Facilities and Features Overview
Since the launch of the Africa Mercy in 2007, Mercy Ships has planned for another ship of equal or greater capacity to be added to the fleet. Drawing upon over 35 years of organisational experience and over 5 years of specifically studying the outcomes of the Africa Mercy in serving the people of West and Central West Africa, Mercy Ships contracted for a purpose-built ship. This new ship will more than double the ability of Mercy Ships to deliver hope and healing, while significantly increasing capacity-building and training potential.
The new ship represents a global collaboration. The 37,000 GRT hospital ship will be constructed by China Shipbuilding Industry Corporation (CSIC) in its Tianjin Xingang Shipyard with project management by Stena RoRo of Gothenburg, Sweden and construction design by Deltamarin of Turku, Finland. The French ship brokerage company Barry Rogliano Salles (BRS) was instrumental in helping negotiate the contract. The new ship will be classed by Lloyd’s Register of the UK, and it will be flagged by Malta.
Delivery of the ship from the shipyard is anticipated in 2017, with full deployment in 2018. It is capable of serving anywhere in the world and will initially expand Mercy Ships activity on the African continent.
The hospital covers most of decks 3 and 4 – approximately 7000 square meters containing 6 operating rooms, an intensive care unit, clinical laboratory, diagnostic radiology, hospital supply and pharmacy services. With 109 acute care and 45 self-care beds, the hospital will have an onboard capacity of 154 patient beds. The hospital area also includes dedicated classroom/conference spaces as well as medical simulation labs for more effective training. All pre-operative and post-operative care can be done onboard rather than ashore, which minimises the Mercy Ships footprint when operating in busy ports. The new ship will more than double our annual medical capacity and is designed to carry out a wide range of surgeries including, but not limited to, maxillofacial reconstructive and tumor removal surgery, cleft lip and palate repair, plastics and orthopedic surgery, cataract removal, and obstetric fistula repair.
The Atlantic Mercy will have meeting and work spaces as well as berths for an average crew of 600+, consisting of families, married couples, and singles, with numerous design considerations based upon prior operating experience and crew feedback. The ship incorporates the latest comprehensive technology for crew safety and security.
Construction Phases
The sequential steps in the building process include: up to 16 months of detailed design work, construction of the hull, outfitting the accommodation decks/hospital and installation of machinery systems, extensive testing and trials prior to delivery from shipyard, installation of additional equipment and IT hardware, and further testing prior to deployment.

LETU engineering graduate student Hans Nelson has spent three months using a 3D printer to build a 1:176 scale model of the Atlantic Mercy (working title) hospital ship for Mercy Ships. 

The 3D printed model is about 3 feet long, but the actual ship, once it is built, will be the length of about two football fields. The Atlantic Mercy will be the world’s largest private hospital ship once it is completed. More info at

Length: 174m
Breadth: 28.6m
Gross Tonnage: 37,000
Registered: Malta
Crew Capacity: 600+
Main Engines: Diesel Electric
Draft: 6.1 m
Decks: 11
Building: Tianjin Xingang Shipyard
Surveyed By: Lloyd’s Register
Australia will begin a Capital Raising Campaign for a deck of the new ship, details of which will be announced soon.
ABOUT CSIC:   Established in 1999, China Shipbuilding Industry Corporation (CSIC) is a major state-owned enterprise group and is one of China’s largest shipbuilding and ship repairing groups. It has 46 industrial subsidiaries and 28 R&D institutes. Currently, the group has 7 shipyards with an annual new-building capacity of 5 million dwt. Its longstanding experience and comprehensive range of skills has resulted in the group being able to build all kinds of high-quality merchant and naval ships.
ABOUT DELTAMARIN:   Deltamarin Group provides services for shipping, shipbuilding, naval, marine and offshore industry worldwide. The services cover the entire field of engineering from feasibility studies through concept development, FEED and basic design up to complete engineering and contracting packages, including site supervision. Deltamarin employs around 400 designers in its own and associated companies. Offices are located in Western Europe, Brazil, China and Malaysia. Deltamarin is a subsidiary to AVIC International Maritime Holdings
ABOUT STENA RoRo:  Stena RoRo AB designs and develops roll on/roll off and RoPax vessels, passenger vessels, and ferries. The company offers commercial vessels for bareboat, time, and voyage charters; and commercial management services. It serves operators and ship owners in Sweden and internationally. The company was founded in 1976 and is based in Gothenburg, Sweden. Stena RoRo AB operates as a subsidiary of Stena .

ABOUT BARRY ROGLIANO SALLES (BRS), BRS was founded in 1856 and is one of the largest international Shipbroker firms with more than 200 brokers, active world-wide in all maritime segments. In its role as a broker, BRS can, on behalf of its clients, negotiate any shipping transaction and associated contracts:  new-building contracts, second-hand sale and purchase transactions, charter parties or contracts of affreightment over any time span for all types of ships and floating vessels. The BRS head office is situated in Paris. 

an inside look at the africa mercy
Posted on February 7, 2017 /


This is the Africa Mercy. Inside of this hospital ship are operating rooms, patient beds, sleeping quarters, dining rooms, offices, and even a very small gym. But just like Mercy Ships is far more than the people who work here, the Africa Mercy is far more than the rooms that make her up.

More than anything else, the Africa Mercy is a home. A place filled with joy and laughter. A place of healing, for those both inside and out.

Roughly 400 different people call this ship “home”. All of them from different places and different walks of life. All of them coming together because of a shared belief. That we can make a difference. That we can be hope for people who desperately need it. And they believe it so strongly that they leave their lives behind, coming to the Africa Mercy to serve as volunteers, expecting nothing in return, just wanting to be a part of transforming the lives of others.

YOU are a part of this too! You are a part of Mercy Ships. Through your prayers, your time, and your gifts you stand side-by-side with us as we bring hope and healing to those in need, and we can’t possibly thank you enough!

The Africa Mercy - Hospital Ship - Mercy Ships 

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