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Niveles de Alerta Antiterrorista en España. Nivel Actual 4 de 5.

Niveles de Alerta Antiterrorista en España. Nivel Actual 4 de 5.
Fuente Ministerio de Interior de España

Sunday, April 14, 2024

Treating white Phosphorous Casualties by Crisismedtraining

Original post 

Un estudio militar polaco evaluó la capacidad de cinco "vendajes de primeros auxilios" para extinguir llamas, eliminar el fósforo blanco de una superficie y evitar que se vuelva a encender.13 Llevaron a cabo 1100 experimentos con fósforo blanco colocado en una pieza de uniforme militar encima de tocino. Luego probaron los diversos "vendajes de primeros auxilios". La gasa humedecida fue muy eficaz para extinguir la llama. También eliminó y absorbió una cantidad significativa de fósforo blanco, previniendo quemaduras más profundas y eliminando la re-ignición. Superó a todos los apósitos fabricados probados. Muchos de los otros apósitos fueron deficientes para prevenir el reencendido ya que no absorbieron ni eliminaron las partículas. Algunos incluso empeoraron la lesión por quemadura. Consideraron que los vendajes hidrocoloidales eran problemáticos para el transporte del tejido quemado, ya que su naturaleza oclusiva podría empeorar la lesión si no se hubieran eliminado todas las partículas de fósforo blanco.

#FosforoBlanco #DrRamonReyesMD #Rusia #Ucrania Treating white Phosphorous Casualties by Crisismedtraining

Lea el artículo completo en el sitio web, enlace en bio.

Gracias a @nardoctor por llamar nuestra atención sobre esto. Hizo que nos interesáramos en la literatura médica para el manejo de las víctimas de WP.



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A Polish military study evaluated the ability of five “first aid dressings” to extinguish flame, eliminate white phosphorous from a surface, and prevent re-ignition.13 They conducted 1,100 experiments with white phosphorous placed on a piece of military uniform on top of raw bacon. They then tested the various “first aid dressings.” Moistened gauze was very efficient at extinguishing flame. It also removed and absorbed a significant amount of the white phosphorous, preventing deeper burns, and eliminating re-ignition. It outperformed all the manufactured dressings tested. Many of the other dressings were poor at preventing re-ignition as they didn’t absorb or remove the particles. Some actually worsened the burn injury. They felt hydrocolloidal dressings were problematic on the burned tissue for transport as their occlusive nature could worsen the injury if all white phosphorous particles had not been eliminated.

Read the full article at the website, link 

Cavity burn lesions on the left thigh of an Armenian soldier during the 2020 Nagorno-Karabakh war. Brutyan S, Babayan K, Barseghyan N, Petrosyan V, Knipper P, Bégué T, Khachatryan L, Khonsari RH. Evidence for chemical burns by white phosphorus in Armenian soldiers during the 2020 Nagorno-Karabakh war. Injury. 2021 Apr;52(4):1100-1101.

This Israeli woman’s daughter picked up a piece of white phosphorous found on a beach in Tel Aviv. As the white phosphorous dried out it ignited in the woman’s hand. In the process of dropping it, it contacted her calf, and ultimately landed on her socked foot which caught fire. She extinguished the flames in the bathroom shower. She had 0.5% TBSA partial thickness burns of both hands, 1% TBSA partial thickness burns to the calf, and 0.5% TBSA full thickness burns to her foot. She manifested no electrolyte abnormalities, nor organ dysfunction.

Scalp of another 18-year-old with White Phosphorous burns to his scalp. Apparently, as his bandages were removed the wound began to smoke. Photo on the right fluoresces with ultraviolet light (Woods lamp). Conner JC, Bebarta VS. Images in clinica

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