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Niveles de Alerta Antiterrorista en España. Nivel Actual 4 de 5.

Niveles de Alerta Antiterrorista en España. Nivel Actual 4 de 5.
Fuente Ministerio de Interior de España

Monday, May 20, 2024

Integrated Tourniquet System (I.T.S.) SISTEMA DE TORNIQUETE INTEGRADO

Integrated tourniquet system

Actualmente, y debido a los nuevos sistemas de protección pasiva que portan las tropas, se ha conseguido disminuir la incidencia de lesiones en tórax y abdomen, pero no así las posibilidades de morir como consecuencia de las heridas en las extremidades. En el campo de batalla de hoy, el uso de artefactos explosivos improvisados ha demostrado cuán peligrosas pueden ser las lesiones por metralla. Una laceración de las principales arterias situadas en los miembros superiores o inferiores puede causar la muerte rápidamente, a menos que se aplique de modo precoz un torniquete. Lo más novedoso en relación a este tema es el ITS, desarrollado por una empresa norteamericana. La idea básicamente es la de integrar torniquetes en el uniforme del combatiente, disminuyendo considerablemente el tiempo de aplicación de éstos.
El diseño que actualmente se encuentra en fase de experimentación, consta de 2 torniquetes en cada manga de la camisa y otros 2 en cada pernera del pantalón (fig. 7). De este modo, se facilita el rápido control de la hemorragia, si se produjera, por parte del mismo combatiente herido o ayudado por un compañero, ahorrando un tiempo muy valioso en el tratamiento de las lesiones, probablemente aumentando la supervivencia y disminuyendo las pérdidas por sangrado.

 Integrated Tourniquet System (I.T.S.)

Blackhawk's Integrated Tourniquet System (I.T.S.) is part of the new Warrior Wear apparel line with life-saving potential. Four tourniquets in the pants and four tourniquets in the shirt (two in the short sleeve version) are correctly positioned and oriented to the upper and lower extremities for immediate access under existing gear and can be operated by the wearer, their buddy, or a medic. Immediate application minimizes loss of blood, the single greatest medical problem resulting in death from injuries sustained to the extremities. An additional feature includes a design that allows users to train with the system over and over rather than having to replace each tourniquet after a single use.

 Integrated Tourniquet System (I.T.S.)
 Integrated Tourniquet System (I.T.S.)

 Integrated Tourniquet System (I.T.S.)

 Integrated Tourniquet System (I.T.S.)

Integrated tourniquet clothing system aims to save lives on the battlefield
By New Atlas
September 06, 2007
September 7, 2007 One of the most common causes of preventable deaths in tactical environment is bleeding to death, so any advance in providing assistance as quickly as possible in such situations clearly has the potential to save lives. This is the thinking behind a new range of clothing from Blackhawk that integrates tourniquets into the design which can be immediately accessed by the wearer, their buddy, or a medic to minimize the loss of blood.

The Integrated Tourniquet System (I.T.S) has been introduced into the new "Warrior Wear" apparel line and consists of four tourniquets in the pants and four tourniquets in the shirt (two in the short sleeve version) which are correctly positioned and oriented to the upper and lower extremities. The clothing can be worn under existing gear and users can train with the system without having to replace each tourniquet after a single use, which enables users to use the same system they will wear in tactical operations.

The System was the brainchild of Dr. Keith Rose. Dr. Rose, a tactical medicine consultant for Blackhawk’s Special Operations Division with several years military experience on a forward surgical team and extensive field experience in trauma and burns.

“The majority of preventable deaths come from loss of blood resulting from leg and arm wounds that is not protected by body armor. Ten percent of preventable combat deaths are from extremity bleeding and 50-70% of all combat injuries are extremity wounds,” explained Dr. Rose.

Blackhawk intends to incorporate I.T.S. into its current line of apparel and will also license the technology to other manufactures that currently provide apparel to the Military, Law Enforcement, and Outdoor community.

The I.T.S. system is in the final phases of testing and should be available during the first quarter of 2008.


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