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Aunque pueda contener afirmaciones, datos o apuntes procedentes de instituciones o profesionales sanitarios, la información contenida en el blog EMS Solutions International está editada y elaborada por profesionales de la salud. Recomendamos al lector que cualquier duda relacionada con la salud sea consultada con un profesional del ámbito sanitario. by Dr. Ramon REYES, MD

Niveles de Alerta Antiterrorista en España. Nivel Actual 4 de 5.

Niveles de Alerta Antiterrorista en España. Nivel Actual 4 de 5.
Fuente Ministerio de Interior de España
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lunes, 15 de octubre de 2018

Confirmed by PRAC that hydroxyethyl-starch solutions (HES) should no longer be used in patients with sepsis or burn injuries or in critically ill patients. 11/10/2013

hydroxyethyl-starch solutions (HES) should no longer be used in patients with sepsis or burn injuries or in critically ill patients. 11/10/2013

PRAC confirms that hydroxyethyl-starch solutions (HES) should no longer be used in patients with sepsis or burn injuries or in critically ill patients

HES will be available in restricted patient populations
The EMA’s Pharmacovigilance Risk Assessment Committee (PRAC) has completed its review of HES solutions following an assessment of new information and commitments from companies for additional studies and risk minimisation activities. The Committee confirmed that HES solutions must no longer be used to treat patients with sepsis (bacterial infection in the blood) or burn injuries or critically ill patients, because of an increased risk of kidney injury and mortality. HES solutions may, however, continue to be used in patients to treat hypovolaemia (low blood volume) caused by acute blood loss, provided that appropriate measures are taken to reduce potential risks and that additional studies are carried out.
The review of HES solutions was initially triggered by the German medicines agency, the Federal Institute for Drugs and Medical Devices (BfArM), following studies showing an increased risk of mortality in patients with sepsis and an increased risk of kidney injury requiring dialysis in critically ill patients following treatment with HES solutions.
The PRAC had initially concluded on 13 June 2013 that HES solutions should be suspended in all patient populations. Since then, the PRAC has analysed and considered new evidence that was not available at the time of the initial recommendation, including new studies. The Committee has also looked at new proposals for additional risk minimisation measures, including restrictions on use and a commitment from the companies to conduct additional studies.
The PRAC, on the basis of all data available to date, considered whether a group of patients could be identified for whom HES treatment remains beneficial. The Committee concluded that there was clear evidence for an increased risk of kidney injury and mortality in critically ill and septic patients, and that therefore HES should no longer be used in these patients. However the PRAC agreed that HES could continue to be used in patients with hypovolaemia caused by acute blood loss where treatment with alternative infusions solutions known as ‘crystalloids’ alone are not considered to be sufficient. The PRAC acknowledged the need for measures to minimise potential risks in these patients and recommended that HES solutions should not be used for more than 24 hours and that patients’ kidney function should be monitored for at least 90 days. In addition, the PRAC requested that further studies be carried out on the use of these medicines in elective surgery and trauma patients.
The PRAC recommendation will now be sent to the Coordination Group for Mutual Recognition and Decentralised Procedures – Human (CMDh), for consideration at its meeting on 21-23 October 2013.

New review of hydroxyethyl-starch-containing solutions for infusion started. 12/07/2013
The European Medicines Agency (EMA) has started a new review of hydroxyethyl-starch (HES)-containing solutions for infusion, following the suspension of the use of these medicines in the United Kingdom (UK) on 27 June 2013.
The EMA’s Pharmacovigilance Risk Assessment Committee (PRAC) had recommended in June 2013 that these medicines be suspended in the European Union (EU), following an assessment of available data which concluded that their benefits do not outweigh the risks of kidney injury and mortality. However, the process to implement the PRAC’s recommendation across the EU has not yet begun since a number of marketing-authorisation holders have exercised their legal right to request a re-examination of the recommendation.
In the meantime, some Member States have taken action to suspend or limit the marketing or use of these medicines in their territories. In accordance with EU legislation, this type of action currently requires that a review procedure be carried out. Consequently, the UK has requested the PRAC to start this review procedure, which will run in parallel with the re-examination of the PRAC’s June 2013 recommendation.
The Agency invites all stakeholders (e.g. healthcare professionals, patients’ organisations, the general public) to submit data relevant to this procedure. Full details are available under the 'data submission' tab.
HES-containing solutions are volume expanders used to replace lost blood volume in hypovolaemia (low blood volume caused by dehydration or blood loss) and hypovolaemic shock (a steep fall in blood pressure caused by drop in blood volume). They are used in critically ill patients including patients with sepsis (bacterial infection of the blood), or burn or trauma injuries, or patients who are undergoing surgery. HES-containing solutions are given by infusion (drip) into a vein.
Infusion solutions containing HES belong to the class of colloids. There are two main types of volume expanders: crystalloids and colloids. Colloids contain large molecules such as starch, whereas crystalloids such as saline solutions contain smaller molecules. In the EU, HES-containing solutions for infusion have been approved via national procedures.
This review of HES solutions for infusion has been initiated at the request of the UK medicines agency, the Medicines and Healthcare Products Regulatory Agency (MHRA), under Article 107i of Directive 2001/83/EC, also known as the urgent Union procedure.
The review is being carried out by the Pharmacovigilance Risk Assessment Committee (PRAC), the committee responsible for the evaluation of safety issues for human medicines, which will make a set of recommendations. As these medicines are all authorised nationally, the PRAC recommendation will be forwarded to the Coordination Group for Mutual Recognition and Decentralised Procedures – Human (CMDh), which will adopt a final position. The CMDh is a regulatory body that represents the EU Member States, responsible for ensuring harmonised safety standards for medicines authorised via national procedures across the EU.
In June 2013, the PRAC adopted recommendations on HES solutions under Article 31 of Directive 2001/83/EC. A number of marketing-authorisation holders have requested a re-examination of these recommendations.

sábado, 13 de octubre de 2018

Abominal Aortic Tourniquet AAT™

Abominal Aortic Tourniquet AAT™

The Abdominal Aortic Tourniquet - AAT™Hemorrhage Stops Here™

The Abdominal Aortic Tourniquet is the first device to provide stable and complete occlusion of flow of blood to the lower extremities. It has 510(k) approval from the FDA for difficult to control inguinal hemorrhage. It is applied to the mid-abdomen, tightened and inflated and may remain on for up to an hour safely.

Available Mid-April 2012

Abdominal Aortic Tourniquet – AAT™

The project is focused at the number one priority identified by the Institute of Surgical Research for care on the battlefield: how to address uncompressible hemorrhage that is not treatable by a tourniquet in the leg, groin and inguinal region. This encompasses a significant capability gap related to preventable deaths. The solution to this problem must be stable, easy to apply and completely stop the loss of blood. The AAT™ is capable of this, and animal and human studies have demonstrated its safety and efficacy.

The AAT™ provides a rapid application of pneumatic compression to the aorta at the abdominal-pelvic junction to occlude blood flow in the inguinal arteries. The specific claim of the device is to occlude arterial flow through the inguinal region. The target of the compression is the aortic bifurcation, which has historically been identified in relation to the umbilicus or the superior margin of the iliac crests. Difficult bleeds in the inguinal region continue to be a significant source of morbidity and mortality on the battlefield. Providing solutions for treating these wounds have direct life saving results. Wounds to the pelvis and inguinal region are now preventable causes of death.

The AAT™ is a circumferential device that greatly increases the stability of the compression. The pneumatic wedge shaped bladder provides focused pressure to squeeze the blood vessels passing through the lower abdomen and preventing flow. The research referenced below demonstrates the safety of up to one hour of application and its effectiveness in non-invasively cross-clamping the aorta or fully stopping all blood flow to the pelvis and lower extremities. In essence the AAT™ acts as a valve to figuratively ‘turn the faucet off’ and prevent the further flow of blood out of wounds below its application site.

Blood is the vital component to surviving blunt or penetrating trauma in the golden hour. It allows oxygen to be carried to the heart, brain and kidneys. Every drop of blood lost impacts survival. Why let any of it spill to the ground when we can prevent its loss?


Georgia Health Sciences University (formerly the Medical College of Georgia) has conducted research on the device using a swine model in 2009. Flow was undetectable in the femoral catheter during the tourniquet application. For hemodynamic variables, there were no significant differences in MAP or CVP measurements among animals. However, using one way repeated measures analysis of variance, there was a significant difference in MAP (P = 0.008) between 0 and 55 minutes for each subject. Serum potassium did not reach clinically significant numbers. However, serum lactate was significantly different between times 55 minutes (3.6 mmol/L +/- .95) and after tourniquet release 65 minutes 5.9 mmol/L +/- .87) (p <0.001). Gross and histological examination revealed no signs of significant ischemia or necrosis of the small and large intestine. These data were presented at the Advanced Technology Applications for Combat Casualty Care conference in August 2009 and the American College of Emergency Physicians Scientific Assembly in 2009.

Application of the device was studied on humans in 2011 again at the Georgia Health Sciences University and found to be safe and effective during the protocol. The Common Femoral Artery (CFA) was reduced to a no flow state by applying an average of 191 mm Hg. The device was associated with moderate discomfort that resolved completely with device removal. These data were presented at the Advanced Technology Applications for Combat Casualty Care conference in August 2011.

FDA Approval

Compression Works received FDA approval for the AAT™ on October 22, 2011.
AUGUSTA, Ga. – Two emergency medicine physicians with wartime experience have developed a weapon against one rapidly lethal war injury. Insurgents commonly aim just below a soldier’s body armor, where the trunk and legs join, to injure the body’s largest blood vessels, causing soldiers to bleed to death within minutes.
Dr. Richard Schwartz“There is no way to put a tourniquet around it, so soldiers are getting shot in this area and dying within several minutes,” said Dr. Richard Schwartz, Chairman of the Department of Emergency Medicine in the Medical College of Georgia at Georgia Health Sciences University. Police officers wearing chest protection as well as automobile accident victims can sustain similar injuries.
Efforts to externally compress the injury have been largely ineffective; the inch-round aorta runs parallel to the spine, so it can’t be approached from the back, and is several inches inside the abdomen even in a fit soldier.
Schwartz and Dr. John Croushorn, Chairman of the Department of Emergency Medicine at Trinity Medical Center in Birmingham, Ala., hope their inflatable wedge-shaped bladder will make a lifesaving difference.
Abdominal Aortic Tourniquet
Abominal Aortic Tourniquet AAT™
It’s called an abdominal aortic tourniquet and it’s placed around the body at the navel level, tightened then, much like a blood pressure cuff, inflated into the abdomen until it occludes the aorta and stops the bleeding. The goal is to restore the golden hour so soldiers survive long enough to get definitive care for their injury.
“By effectively cross-clamping the aorta with the abdominal aortic tourniquet, you are essentially turning the faucet off,” Croushorn said.  “You are stopping the loss of blood from the broken and damaged blood vessels. You are buying the patient an additional hour of survival time based on blood loss.”
It was known that the knee pressed into the mid-abdomen could slow bleeding and block blood flow to the legs. The idea for the device came from studies conducted at GHSU in 2006 that quantified pressure needed to occlude the abdominal aorta. Schwartz and Croushorn started talking about turning that concept into a lifesaving device at an American College of Emergency Physicians meeting.
They first put the device on pigs, inflated it to the point there was no blood flow from the aorta to the femoral arteries and left it that way for an hour. There saw no potentially deadly increase in potassium levels in the blood and the pigs’ leg and gut tissue remained healthy. Next they used it on healthy humans for a shorter duration to ensure that the aorta could be completed occluded.
Croushorn and Schwartz have premarket clearance for the abdominal aortic tourniquet from the Food and Drug Administration and have identified a manufacturer. They already have orders for the device from the U.S. military and will teach courses on how to use it to the military and law enforcement. Device development was funded by the U.S. Department of Defense.
The physicians still want to explore their device’s potential for also helping CPR recipients. The chest compression that is the hallmark of CPR actually pushes blood all the way out to the extremities when the focus is keeping vital organs alive.
“With this device, you could, in theory, double the blood flow to the kidneys, heart and brain,” Schwartz said. They also believe it will help concentrate drugs given during CPR where they are needed. “Now when a medic pushes a cardiac drug during cardiac arrest, the drug is circulated through the toes before it reaches steady state concentrations in the heart,” Croushorn said.
Schwartz was a member of the 5th Special Forces Group (Airborne) during Operation Desert Shield and Desert Storm. He works with the Federal and Georgia Bureaus of Investigation and helped develop courses that bridge the gap between military and civilian groups that may work together during major disasters.  Croushorn served as Command Surgeon, Task Force 185 Aviation in the U.S. Army in Iraq in 2004. He also works with the FBI.

Emergency medicine physicians develop device to stop lethal bleeding in soldiers

viernes, 23 de marzo de 2018

Three Reasons Not to Use Normal Saline or Crystalloids in Trauma Wed, Mar 14, 2018 By Brandon M. Carius, MPAS, PA-C , Andrew D. Fisher, MPAS, PA-C [C]

Todos Nuestros VIDEOS en YouTube 
Grupo en TELEGRAM Sociedad Iberoamericana de Emergencias

You're responding to a gunshot wound. When you arrive, you find a young man has been shot in the chest, and has significant hemorrhage. As you load him into the ambulance, your partner tells you he is spiking a 1-liter bag of 0.9% sodium chloride, also known as normal saline (NS). 
You're curious, because the patient is hemorrhaging blood, not salt water, and ask why you’re not prepping blood products instead.
Your partner responds, “Because it’s something we can give him now, and it helps with circulation.”
But, does it actually help?
This review provides historical information and research with the aim of making a case against the use of NS, and why the word “normal” may be a misnomer. This can be applied to all crystalloids or clear fluid with regard to trauma resuscitation.
The goal of this article is to illustrate the many deficiencies of administering NS in a trauma patient, and to encourage critical thinking regarding current fluid resuscitation strategies that discuss increasing support for the use of blood components, including whole blood (WB).

History of Crystalloids

NS has existed in some form for nearly 200 years, largely tracing its roots back to the European cholera pandemic of 1831.1 But the solutions that were used in this outbreak, and for several decades of medicine thereafter, bear little resemblance to the modern mixture we use, both in content and in appropriate use.2
The first recorded experiment in modern IV fluid therapy is believed to be from a Russian chemist who, in treating a severely ill cholera patient, “injected 6 oz. (180 mL) of water intravenously.”1
William Brooke O’Shaughnessy, a recent medical school graduate, later published a paper in the Lancet in December 1831, stating that the goals of IV fluid in treating cholera were, “First, to restore the blood to its natural specific gravity; Second, to restore its deficient saline matters … these can only be effected … by injection of aqueous fluid into the veins.”Thus, we see the early foundations of saline, although referring to it as “normal” wouldn't occur until many years later.
In the 1830s, there were numerous practitioners experimenting with various solutions in an attempt to “restore the natural current in the veins and arteries” and “improve the colour of the blood.”4
In May 1832, Robert Lewins described treatments used by Thomas Latta on six patients, with solutions consisting of “two drachms of muriate, and two scruples of carbonate, of soda, to 60 ounces of water.”4 When Dr. Latta later wrote of these experiments himself, he noted a different composition of his makeshift IV fluid than was previously described.1
Other concoctions of the time included “one drachm muriate of soda, 10 grains carbonate of soda in two pounds aqua calid.”4 Historical reviews have noted that some of these compositions actually had no detailed measurements recorded at all.
As the cholera pandemic waned in 1833, there was less urgency for IV fluid research, and for many years following, IV fluid research and publication were rare.
The first time the term “normal saline” appears in literature came decades later in the Sept. 29, 1888, edition of the Lancet.1 A patient who had “suffered over a month of vomiting, with minimal oral intake. .. [was] ... injected with 34 fluid oz. [approximately 1020 mL]” of a fluid by Churton,5 which, as shown in Table 1, bears little resemblance to the NS used today (or, with phosphate and bicarbonate, bears little resemblance to any crystalloid used today).
Table 1: Comparison of Churton's solution with normal saline
SolutionNa+ (mmol/L)Cl- (mmol/L)POPO42- (mmol/L)HCO3- (mmol/L)
Churton's solution11501282.527
Normal saline15415400
Other isolated case reports described similar situations, but again, these IV fluid treatments weren't consistent with a 0.9% sodium chloride composition. Therefore, authors have speculated that word-of-mouth was likely to blame, rather than actual scientific research and publication.1
The NS term did find scientific support, however, after Dutch chemist Hartog Jakob Hamburger, concluded that “the blood of the majority of warm-blooded animals, including man, was isotonic with a sodium chloride solution of 0.9%,”6 effectively linking the two. As it's been described, “the scientific evidence supporting the use of 0.9% saline in clinical practice seems to be based solely on this … [otherwise] it remains a mystery how it came into general use as an IV fluid.”1
The use of NS and other crystalloids would have been used as the primary prehospital resuscitation fluid of choice for the past 30 years. However, “the historic role of crystalloid and colloid solutions in trauma resuscitation represents the triumph of hope and wishful thinking over physiology and experience.”7
Now, with this checkered background of the solution we call NS today, we present reasons why NS shouldn't be a mainstay of trauma treatment.

1. Normal saline isn't blood.

This is obvious, but it's an important introductory point. NS, as well as similar fluids like Lactated Ringers (LR), are crystalloids, and therefore consist of an electrolyte solute (in this case, sodium and chloride) suspended in a water solvent. As previously mentioned, NS solution has never truly proven itself worthy of the “normal” or “physiological” titles that it bears today.2
There are substantial disparities between the normality of human serum and NS. The comparison of NS and normal serum electrolyte ranges are listed in Table 2.
Table 2: Normal saline vs. normal serum electrolyte ranges
SolutionNa+ (mmol/L)Cl- (mmol/L)K+ (mmol/L)Ca2+ (mg/dL)Mg2+ (mg/dL)
Normal serum134-14598-1073.6-5.28.9-10.11.7-2.3
Normal saline154154000
Prior literature has described hemorrhagic shock as a type of “blood failure.”8,9 The goals of trauma resuscitation are to restore the functionality of blood, this is completed by restoring:10
  • Circulating volume;
  • Oxygen delivery; and
  • Hemostatic potential.
NS addresses none of these critical tasks.
Prior literature has argued that NS can increase circulating volume, and that adding salt water in trauma patients will help “circulate” remaining RBCs to deliver oxygen.11 However, NS itself doesn't serve this function. It's important to acknowledge this basic, yet critical, issue, as well as its increased risk of mortality in hemorrhagic patients.12 
Similarly, issues with significant extravasation that negate increasing fluid loads undermine any argument to use NS as temporary volume booster.
Simply adding fluids to a hemorrhaging body in order to theoretically “push” existing RBCs around for oxygen delivery and waste removal is largely unsupported in modern trauma literature, and, according to some, there's no human data supporting the claim that a large volume crystalloid resuscitation strategy will actually improve organ perfusion.13
Conversely, this strategy can lead to significant complications, including compartment syndrome, dilutional coagulopathy, hyperchloremic metabolic acidosis, immune dysfunction, and kidney injury.14-16
Other factors to consider include the oxygen debt and deficit that are accumulated in hemorrhagic shock. In a normal healthy body, oxygen consumption (VO2) is independent of cardiac output and therefore oxygen delivery (DO2). In hemorrhagic shock, oxygen deficit occurs when the amount of oxygen demanded by the tissues is inadequately matched by supply. Over time, these multiple deficits, result in an oxygen debt. The seriousness of an oxygen debt can't be overstated; it's the “only physiological variable that can quantitatively predict survival.”17
Crystalloids, like NS, cannot adequately repay oxygen debt in a timely manner.

2. Normal saline worsens acidosis & coagulopathy.

Most prehospital medical providers are well-versed on the three main concerns of significant hemorrhage, also known as the “lethal triad,” metabolic acidosis, coagulopathy and hypothermia. The use of NS in trauma resuscitation has been shown to exacerbate the first two aspects of this triad, metabolic acidosis and coagulopathy, as well as effect blood concentration and induce blood vessel dilation, all of which have the potential to worsen patient outcomes.18
It’s important to stress the predisposition for metabolic acidosis in trauma patients, as poorly perfused regions of tissue accumulate lactic acid and other cellular wastes, thus decreasing blood pH. Although trauma patients are already prone to acidosis, resuscitation attempts with supraphysiological chloride content in NS have been shown to worsen the patient’s condition by furthering hyperchloremic metabolic acidosis.15,18,19
The risk of NS-induced acidosis has been well-documented. One of the early reports comes from the journal Anesthesiology, where a 1997 case noted that a patient primarily received NS during the course of a long kidney surgery.20 The timeline and results progressed as follows:
  • After 4 hours, the patient was estimated to have lost 1L of blood, and had received 5L NS with 1L albumin and 2 units of packed RBCs. The pH at that time was 7.28 (normal = 7.35-7.45), demonstrating an acidotic state.
  • Sodium bicarbonate was then administered, and the pH rose to 7.32.
  • After 8 hours, blood loss was estimated to have been 3.5L total, and the patient was noted to have received 20L of NS, with 9 units of packed RBCs and minimal other products. The pH at that point had fallen to 7.16, signaling onset of significant acidosis.
As the authors note, “the metabolic acidosis was diagnosed as a dilutional nonunion gap hyperchloremic metabolic acidosis resulting from the large volume of normal saline given during surgery and not from inadequate end organ perfusion.”20
Numerous studies have investigated the effects of NS in healthy volunteers, finding increased chloride levels and decreases in both bicarbonate and pH, thereby demonstrating the acidotic effect NS has on a healthy non-traumatized body.21,22
As this effect happens in healthy individuals, the effect in a trauma patient, already at risk for metabolic acidosis, creates an increased concern for worsened outcomes. Hemorrhaged animal models have demonstrated significant hyperchloremic acidosis from NS administration.23,24 This concern has been further validated by real-world findings of increased mortality in trauma patients when NS is used for resuscitation,13 including one large-scale study involving more than 3,000 trauma patients which demonstrated worsened outcomes when NS was used for fluid resuscitation.12
Why are there worsened outcomes with NS? What does metabolic acidosis, exacerbated by NS administration, do to the lethal triad in trauma patients? 
NS-induced acidosis has been shown to directly decrease cardiac contractility and chronicity, as well as decrease the effectiveness of circulating catecholamines such as epinephrine,16,23 which can then further decrease cardiovascular function.
Furthermore, acidotic states have been demonstrated in animal models to significantly decrease fibrinogen concentration and impair thrombin generation,23,24 showing a downstream effect on other systems that are critical to stabilizing traumatic hemorrhage. Thus, many have concluded that based on NS-associated acidosis alone, the use of NS for trauma resuscitation is not supported.21
In severe trauma, effective coagulation is vital to help prevent further blood and fluid loss. Physiologically, as a crystalloid, NS likely contributes to what has been best described as trauma induced coagulopathy (TIC).9
There are two arms of trauma induced coagulopathy, acute traumatic coagulopathy (ATC) and iatrogenic coagulopathy. Overall, ATC is similar to TIC, with the significant difference being it occurs within the first 30 minutes of injury. Iatrogenic coagulopathy is the initiation or furthering of these issues through the (largely) use of improper fluid resuscitation strategies in hemorrhagic patients.
Directly, NS is linked to iatrogenic coagulopathy via the functional impairment of thrombin and fibrin, which are essential to clot formation.25 Indirectly, as mentioned above, the use of NS for resuscitation can potentiate iatrogenic coagulopathy via increased acidosis and inflammatory markers.16,23,24,26 Beyond concerns for preexisting ATC in patients with hemorrhage, a rush to administer NS likely serves to induce iatrogenic coagulopathy and thus further prevent effective coagulation.
NS contains no clotting factors or clotting support, and in fact, as it further dilutes coagulation factors and increases blood acidity, NS can significantly degrade the body’s ability to clot and achieve hemostasis.8,9Coagulopathy complications are furthered by rampant NS bolus administration in attempts to maintain or normalize BP, which could literally blast apart, or otherwise disrupt, previously clotted vessels.18 
Not only does NS directly and indirectly impair new clot formation, it also has the potential to significantly disrupt and destroy existing clots. Though “lower blood pressure enhances regional vasoconstriction and facilitates clot formation and stabilization,” a patient receiving a bolus NS does the exact opposite: it uses salt water to keep vessels open and further prevents adequate clotting in areas of trauma.

3. Hemodilution & vascular changes.

As mentioned previously, a primary goal of trauma resuscitation is to achieve a stable blood pressure, and NS-led resuscitation is partially supported by the argument that it “keeps the blood circulating” for continued organ perfusion. Therefore, many protocols utilize an NS bolus of 1-2 L in an attempt to normalize SBP or MAP, as well as the quintessential 3:1 IV fluid-to-blood lost ratio that we commonly find in trauma literature.27
Although studies have proven that administration of any crystalloid fluids can have significant vasodilatory effects, this effect is greatest with NS.22,24 Research has further revealed that only 20% of infused volume remains intravascular, demonstrating a substantial loss, and waste, of administered fluid.27
NS-induced vasodilation and leakage will cause further cardiovascular stress (in addition to the metabolic acidosis-induced stress mentioned above) in order to further maintain circulatory support. Ironically, NS administration dilates and causes leakage in the very vessels it's meant to maintain, therefore producing greater stress on the systems it was given to support.
Additionally, NS has significant effects on another critical organ that's already under stress in a trauma patient: the kidneys—an important clearinghouse for metabolic wastes (including excess sodium and chloride, among others), as well as regulation of acid-base balance. 
Although we referenced the vasodilation effects above, studies have established significant reductions in renal blood flow and tissue perfusion with NS administration,19 thereby harming a critical organ that helps regulate one of the very imbalances that NS creates. The "yin-yang" effect of renal vasoconstriction and vasodilation elsewhere may help explain why crystalloid administration has been determined to be an independent mortality risk factor when used in an attempt to normalize blood pressure (BP) in trauma patients that are given as little as 1.5L of NS.12
Further damage is done in the lungs, where crystalloids have been found as a modifiable risk factor in trauma and resuscitation.28


To summarize, the suboptimal characteristics and harmful effects of NS in trauma resuscitation include the following:
  • Its inception history is vague;
  • It was never initially intended for use in trauma;
  • It’s not blood;
  • It doesn’t mimic blood well; and
  • It can actually cause significant harm and exacerbate ongoing pathology in a trauma patient, worsening their condition.
Given this, why would you administer NS in the setting of traumatic hemorrhage?
Supported by this review, it's important to reiterate and acknowledge that “the historic role of crystalloid and colloid solutions in trauma resuscitation represents the triumph of hope and wishful thinking over physiology and experience,”7 and therefore we strongly agree that “crystalloid administration should be reduced or eliminated once blood products are available.”29

Disclaimer: The views expressed in this article are those of the authors and do not reflect the official policy or position of the US Army Medical Department, the US Army Office of the Surgeon General, the Department of the Army, Department of Defense, or the US Government.


1. Awad S, Allison SP, Lobo DN. The history of 0.9% saline. Clin Nutr. 2008;27(2):179–188.
2. Chen L. The myth of 0.9% saline: Neither normal nor physiological. Crit Care Nurs Q. 2015;38(4):385–389.
3. O’Shaughnessy WB. Experiments on the blood in cholera. Lancet. 1831;17(35):490.
4. Lewins R. Injection of saline solutions in extraordinary quantities into the veins of malignant cholera. Lancet. 1832;18(456):243–244.
5. Churton DR. Leeds general infirmary: A case of scirrhus of the pylorus, with excessive vomiting; repeated intravenous injections of saline solution; remarks. Lancet. 1888;132(3396):620–621.
6. Hamburger HJ. A Discourse on permeability in physiology and pathology. Lancet. 1921;198(5125):1039–1045.
7. Cap AP, Pidcoke HF, DePasquale M, et al. Blood far forward: Time to get moving! J Trauma Acute Care Surg. 2015;78(6 Suppl 1):S2–6.
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11. Lilly MP, Gala GJ, Carlson DE, et al. Saline resuscitation after fixed-volume hemorrhage. Role of resuscitation volume and rate of infusion. Ann Surg. 1992;216(2):161–171.
12. Ley EJ, Clond MA, Srour MK, et al. Emergency department crystalloid resuscitation of 1.5 L or more is associated with increased mortality in elderly and nonelderly trauma patients. J Trauma. 2011;70(2):398–400.
13. Marik PE. Iatrogenic salt water drowning and the hazards of a high central venous pressure. Ann Intensive Care. 2014;4(21).
14. Van PY, Riha GM, Cho SD, et al. Blood volume analysis can distinguish true anemia from hemodilution in critically ill patients. J Trauma. 2011;70(3):646–651.
15. Santry HP, Alam HB. Fluid resuscitation: past, present, and the future. Shock. 2010;33(3):229–241.
16. Kiraly LN, Differding JA, Enomoto TM, et al. Resuscitation with normal saline (NS) vs. lactated ringers (LR) modulates hypercoagulability and leads to increased blood loss in an uncontrolled hemorrhagic shock swine model. J Trauma. 2006;61(1):57–64; discussion 64–65.
17. Barbee RW, Reynolds PS, Ward KR. Assessing shock resuscitation strategies by oxygen debt repayment. Shock. 2010;33(2):113–122.
18. Kaczynski J, Wilczynska M, Hilton J, Fligelstone L. Impact of crystalloids and colloids on coagulation cascade during trauma resuscitation-a literature review. Emergency Medicine and Health Care. 2013;1(1).
19. Chowdhury AH, Cox EF, Francis ST, et al. A randomized, controlled, double-blind crossover study on the effects of 2-L infusions of 0.9% saline and plasma-lyte(R) 148 on renal blood flow velocity and renal cortical tissue perfusion in healthy volunteers. Ann Surg. 2012;256(1):18–24.
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